Trouble in Mayberry

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Narrator: Emilia

Chapter 9

"I'm ruined, absolutely ruined," Romulus muttered.

While Lily was consoling Romulus, I was thinking about the perp. How could someone slip in and out so easily? It was almost like...

"Jezebel, what are doing?!" Lily asked.

How did people get a hold of Caligula this easy? Lily had to keep these people away from her servant. They were making me feel unsafe. However, Lily's presence soon calmed me.

"It's ok Mila, we can sort this out," Lily advised me.

"I need your help!" Jezebel shouted.

"Why should we help you!?" I shouted back.

"Mangle's in danger!" she responded.

"WEE WOO, WEE WOO!" Caliuga imtatied.

"Halt, Mayberry police!" Lily snarled.

This caused him to fall silent. Jezebel was baffled by this.

"That's what Rosemary gets for showing him old tv..." Lily muttered.

"Anyway, I need your help!" Jezebel said bringing things back to reality.

"What's wrong?" I responded.

"Mikayla might be in danger..." she told me.

"Since when do you like Mikayla?" I asked.

"Since she promised to pay me..." Jezebel responded.

"Of course she did, you're a manipulative twit..." I told her.

"Mila, don't jump to conclusions!" Lily said.

"It's okay, she deserves to be skeptical..." Jezebel said.

"Thank you..." I said.

In the end, I decided to go with her. We could always give her to Caligula. I wonder what changed her mind...

Balancing act: Fractured Dreams (Balancing Act #5)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt