Fake Tears II

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Narrator: Marie Antoinette

Chapter 15

I was angry at everyone and I couldn't place my anger. Who was I mad at?! There were so many people to be mad at but there was only one person to blame, me. However, I kept looking for other options.

I thought about my kids, my real kids. Had I raised them wrong? I spoiled them rotten and I was aware of that. How much longer would I suffer!? My inner monologue was interrupted by the Professor.

"Have you seen Mangle and Jezebel?!" he asked.

"No, why?" I responded.

"Both of them," he shrugged.

"We should go look for them!" I spat.

"I thought you hated Jezebel?" Professor Shock murmured.

"Not enough to want her dead," I responded.

At that moment, Professor Shock's phone started ringing.

"Are you gonna get that?" I asked.

He fumbled around with it before answering.

"Hello?" he said.

"Hi, Jeffy boy," a voice said through the speaker

"It can't be..." Professor Shock murmured.

"Oh but it is,buddy boy," the voice said.

"Come to Highrave Hill, we need to meet," the man continued to gloat.

The professor shut off the phone and became quiet.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing..." he said.

"It's something all right," I responded.

I gave him my most intimidating face, only the kind a mother could make.

"Okay, I'll spill," he responded.

Professor Shock then told me the whole story and it was bizarre.

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