Chapter twenty-two🐾

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I was scared shitless when I saw Taehyung make his way up the stairs without a word to anyone.

I noticed though and so did everyone else apart from their moms too busy talking among themselves about the sudden thump that everyone heard upstairs.

As I stood on the far end of the room panicking inside my mind I made eye contact with Namjoon sitting beside his own mother on the couch. His eyes pleading with me to follow and I nodded, placing the tray of refreshments down on the coffee table for anyone just to help themselves and excused myself.

Taking long strides up the stairs to get there faster, I sprinted into a run once I disappeared around the corner at the top of the stairs towards Jungkook, only to find it empty. Fear set it.

Where is she?!

What did he do to her this time?!

That was all I could think about so I ran across to his bedroom, swung open the door without knocking just to see him casually and very calmly sitting on his chair in front of his desk. In fact he was already positioning facing my way, quite chilled but a little smirk upon his face unsettled me greatly.

"Where is she? Where's Y/n?!"

He lowly chuckled, swung on his chair.

"Calm down she's in the bathroom." Taehyung

I glared at him for finding my panic so amusing yet the bathroom door to my right suddenly opened and I rushed over to her in relief to see she was perfectly fine, untouched even. But I stopped myself when I remembered I shouldn't touch her. I could get her scent on me and then the boys moms would smell a human on me and that wouldn't be good for anyone in this house.

"Are you okay? Why are you here and why are you limping?"

I asked her when noticing the way she walked towards me just a few steps. My eyes scanned her body and I saw the way she wasn't putting much weight on it. Then I darkened my glare towards Taehyung. He hurt her again didn't he?

"Kwan it's fine. I fell and Taehyung took me in here. I'm okay." Y/n.

"Yeah she's fine Kwan. I only took her in here because everyone heard that she fell and I didn't want to take any chances." Taehyung

I glanced over to Taehyung just to see how unbothered he was about the topic of conversation. Like taking her like that after what he did to her last time they weren't alone wasn't a big deal.

So you're okay Y/n?"

I asked her directly, slightly ignoring Taehyung.

She nodded at me, just to grow a small smile on her face.

"Yes I'm perfectly fine." Y/n

I carefully scanned her body once more, just to for more confirmation that she really is okay and she's not lying in anyway so Taehyung wouldn't get in trouble. Even with how Taehyung treats Y/n and what he has done to her so far, I can tell Y/n has a massive soft spot for the tiger.

"Okay fine. I'll come check on you later then. Taehyung are you coming back down?"

I had to ask even if I had a strong feeling he was going to tell me no.

"No. I have work to do." Taehyung

I knew it.

He expressed no expression and turned in his chair to his laptop on his desk so I just turned back to Y/n but resisting from touching her.

"Y/n are you sure you're okay here?"

"Yeah I'll be fine." Y/n

Taehyung drawer opened and both Y/n and I looked over to his direction to see him putting it on around his neck with a click.

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