Chapter fifty🐾

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My new office was now ready and my own space instead of having to stay all day in someone else's not that I minded but I was looking forward to having my own.

I came into work with Jin this morning and he just showed me around my office and told me what was what and then left me to enjoy my own space that I admired so much.

Sitting down in my new leather chair behind my new desk I leaned back to enjpy this view. In some way it made me feel powerful to be sitting in this position just like how I've been watching everyone else do it but now I'm missing one more thing.

An assistant.

And I know exactly who I'm going to have as my assistant if he'll accept it and there's only one way to find out.

With a grin on my face I stood up from my chair and wondered out my new office, peaking my head out the door first to find Soobin. Just in luck he was just sitting back down at his desk a few doors down from me so I exit my office fully, closing the door on my way out. Walking passed Jimin's office on the way over to the dog hybrid and sneaking passed Jungkook's since I didn't want him to see me. Then finally did I stop in front of Soobin's cubicle, my grin never leaving my face as I placed my arms across the wall separating us.

"Hello there Soobin, it's a beautiful day isn't it?"

Soobin looked up at me with his puppy like eyes, smiling towards me in such a friendly way he made me wish he was my real puppy. Inside I was excited to ask him and it made me wonder for a moment if this is what it would of been like in past human years when a human was purchasing puppy for the first time.

"It certainly is Miss Y/n." Soobin

"Soobin how many times have I told you to call me just by name? We're friends now."

The hyrbids nodded shyly, just to briefly look down at his keyboard.

"Actually I have a motive for coming here and I was wondering if you would accompany me to my office please?"

It seemed that my question surprised him and he nodded without question, standing up from his chair and to follow me back to my office in which I closed the door behind him after entering.

"Please take a seat."

I gestured towards one of the chairs in front of my desk but instead trying to keep myself from laughing towards myself. I'm only copying what I've seen the boys so and from what some of their mothers have taught me. Every few days they come in and we have lunch together while they give me some advise in my position here. Even Mrs Jeon comes too and I don't hold anything against her, she's very pissed at Jungkook and gets even more angry with him when he refuses to talk to his mother.

Anyway I watched Soobin quietly take a seat on one of the chairs and I took mine behind my desk just to lean back against it, staring at Soobin in silence still with a massive smile upon my face that he couldn't help but return back to me.

"Soobin I like you as my friend here and I don't have many friends. Only you and Kwan back home I consider as my friend so there is something I would like to offer you."

"Oh?" Soobin

He asked, straightening his back, putting his hands flat on his lap.

"Yes. I would like you to be my assistant here."

I swear his eyes grew so large that I thought they were about to pop out his head and he hunched over his lap, staring up at me in total disbelief.

"No way!" Soobin

I laughed and nodded eagerly, also now copying his sitting position by leaning over my own desk, chest to the glass.

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