Chapter ten🐾

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Another day came and gone in this place.

It's not too bad and I'm starting to get comfortable in here too. Kwan is almost like a brother in a way, we just clicked so well so I was grateful that Jin introduced me to him. Then Jin and Namjoon have been hovering around a lot lately too especially after I asked about what mates are. I don't actually like to think too much about that because for some odd reason I don't like that they have found their mate. So they're in a relationship then with another hybrid.

I actually tried to get Kwan to tell me more about this so called mate of theirs. The only thing Kwan would tell me is that they both share the same mate and that's it, that's all he would tell me and that they're not in a relationship with her yet, they just recently found her and are getting to know her better.

It sucked to hear that and I found myself jealous. Jealous over two hybrids I just met and some girl that I never met or even know her name. I haven't been this jealous since Heejin took posession of our moms necklace since she claimed it after she died and stated she was the oldest so she got it. I didn't think it was fair but after Heejin died the necklace went missing. I haven't seen it since.

I tried to look for it after I buried her. Looking in all the places I found her

But no luck. It was gone and there was nothing I could of done to get that back.

So yes I found myself jealous again over some hybrid girl that I hope I never meet but I guess if I stay here like Namjoon wants me to, I might just have meet her one day.

After a long day which I found very boring to be honest, I fell asleep. I felt bad that I was a little off with Kwan because of that but I apologised to him for that too.

It was the middle of the night and Kwan left to his own bedroom for the night and I peacefully fell asleep with no trouble. This bed was so comfy and warm it still amazes me just how it affects my sleep. Living out in the woods did I find myself waking up every now and then due to sounds around me or my mind would make me wake up I guess to check my surroundings. I put that down to my survival instincts telling me to do so.

In sleep I heard the click of the bedroom door on my right side. Then it clicked close again. I became scared to who this could be but I didn't move or open my eyes. I kept them shut and steadied my breathing to remain normal even if I was panicking inside.

I heard the steps slowly come closer towards me. The steps were very quiet yet faint. This person definitely knew what they were doing to being so unbelievably quiet but for their information I grew up in the woods form the age of two years old. Out there I had to be constant alert especially while sleeping and now I guess it's become just the way I am now.

The steps kept coming closer and closer until finally I shot up from the bed and grabbed the first thing I could grab which so happens to be the lamp on the bed side table. Pulling it out the wal from the wire did I hold it above my head with eyes set in the dark figure I couldn't see in the dark except for the body shape.

This person was tall but yelped upon seeing the lamp in my hand and fell backwards to land on their bum.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm sorry!" ??

The person whisper yelled at me and I frowned to set the lamp back down on the bedside table and sat on the bed again, rolling over to my stomach to turn in the other lamp and then sit back up again.

There a few feet away from me was another hybrid man curled up in a ball, his knees to his chest and his spotted tail curled around his body as he also hide his face into his knees.

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