Chapter fifteen🐾

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It's been a week since what happened and I have to admit more than willingly that I'm scared to even come out my room in case I see him.

I can't even say his name he scares me that much.

I don't leave my room, ever. All thanks to him, I just don't want to take the risks. So Jungkook still comes to my room every night like he always does but now he happens to linger around my room a lot more and This morning Jin told me that he caught Jungkook sleeping in front of my bedroom door this morning. It sounded sweet to be honest.

He's my cuddly cheetah.

Plus Kwan almost never leave the bedroom when he's with me except the odd occasion when he goes to get something but when no one else is available and when he knows that Taehyung is out the house due to work and then he's banished to his room after that.

It's like I've got someone constantly with me all the time or someone close by after what happened. They all come and go in and out my room now all except Taehyung obviously but I don't want to see him either. I hate him after what he did to me. He tried to kill me and now I bare this massive scar on my leg as a constant reminder.

Jin had their personal doctor come to the house in the middle of the night to stitch up my leg and I was told they'll need removed in a few weeks. Now and again it can still be painful but that's nothing compared to how I feel inside. I'm hurt to know he tried to, I don't know why but I do. I don't even know him yet I feel so upset about this and somewhat betrayed.

The doctor was very shocked to actually see me because I'm human but he was a antelope hybrid and he was very gentle and caring with me so I liked him. While he was stitching up my leg he told me his story of being around hybrids and like Kwan he grew up with them but with his masters as he called them the couple he lived with were doctors and they even taught him the beginning of what he knew. It kind of makes sense o guess since he's a doctor himself.

I was given his number also to add to my phone in case I'd like to speak to him again and I will at some point.

It's amazing to the things you think about when you're on the toilet using it. I just finished wiping myself when I look down to see a red stain on the tissue before I dropped it into the toilet.

Great, my period has come.

I groaned to myself and took a bunch of tissue to fold and place in my underwear. Then stood up flushing the toilet and carefully pulling up my underwear and sweat pants but careful so the fabric of the sweatpants don't rub too much against the stitches they're still very sensitive to touch.

I then walked out the bathroom after washing my hands to see Kwan still where I left him, on the bed smiling at me but with his phone in hand like he as playing a game.

I waved at him and walked over to him but I noticed the way he sniffed the air and the frowned which made me stop by the side of the bed confused.

"What is it?"

"Y/n are you on you're period by any chance?" Kwan

My eyes widen and my cheeks flushed with embarrassment and I looked down shamefully and nodded.

"Yeah. Can you smell it?"

He stood up from the bed with phone still in hand and nodded.

"Yes but it's okay. I'll go make you a bath and then you can get inside it." Kwan

He rushed off to the bathroom leaving me standing there confused again. I get I got my period but o don't think I need a bath. I heard the bath strat to fill with water from the running taps and Kwan popped his head back out the bathroom door with a raised brow.

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