Chapter forty-eight🐾

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Since coming home tonight I have been very quiet and purposely so. From what Moon told me in the bathrooms back at work it has started to bother me even more so the more time I think about it. I may have told her my thoughts about what I think and I don't regret it, I meant everything I said to her but the fact she seemed so confidant that she would eventually have all seven of the hybrids that belong to me, made me a little concerned.

It's all I can think about and since then I haven't spoken much.

Namjoon immediately knew earlier that something was bothering me when I went back to his office and Jungkook was finally gone. But I refused to say what happened or if anything happened. I've been so off since then I just shut myself up in my room ever since and I've been looking through my old family photos ever since then.

Sitting on the floor up against the wardrobe I brought my knees to my chest looking down at my family in the pictures. I miss them so much, I wish they never left me. To still be alive and breathing. This one time I just wish I had some fatherly or even motherly advice on what to do and how to deal with this.

I heard a knock on the door but I didn't respond to it, instead I just kept my sights on the old picture in my hand refusing to look away from my dads smiling face.


Oh, its Kwan.


I glanced up at him as he stepped inside the room closing the door behind him but I turned back down to the picture before seeing him move much further.

"Are you okay? You're unusually quiet tonight." Kwan

I shrugged and place the photo on the floor beside my small pile of pictures.

"I've been better. Did they send you up here to check on me?"

Raising a brow to the mouse hybrid that took a chance to sit in front of me on the floor, crossing his legs over the other but also to shrug his own shoulders at me.    

"Yes and no. They're worried about you just like I am." Kwan

"So you're the bait to check if I'm in a foul mood?"

Kwan laughed and nodded, curling his long thin tail around him.

"Yes I guess you can say that." Kwan

I hummed and looked back down at the my family belongings Ive set out on the carpet. Kwan must of followed my line of sight as I heard him sigh softly.

"What happened Y/n?" Kwan

I shot a surprised look at him.


Kwan held my gaze, serious was all he could express to me right now.

"You only ever take out your family possessions when something happened to make you feel down in the dumps. As far as I know the boys downstairs haven't done anything have they?" Kwan

I shook my head, pressing my lips into a thin line just as I looked away from him and back down to Heejin's bracelet she made me causing me to smile.

"Have you spoken to Jungkook?" Kwan

I dropped my smile and shook my head.

"Then what is it? Something must of happened to cause you this torment in you mind." Kwan

"I'm not tormented in my mind Kwan. I'm fine."

Again locking eyes with him he just stared deeply into mine. Not moving a muscle or even so much as a twitch.

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