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Izuku's POV

   'Alright, this is the day i finally get my quirk.'izuku thought

Reader's POV

   It shows Izuku going to the car with his sister (Izumi) and his mother (Inko).They were going to the hospital to see their quirks and what they are.When they went to the hospital the doctors were taking tests to see their quirks.

Time Skip

    After the tests Izuku,Inko,and Izumi went to the hospital room.When they were in the hospital room the doctor said "do you want to hear the good news or the bad news".Inko then asked for the bad news first.Ma'am your son is quirkless"the doctor stated.

Izuku's POV

     When he heard the doctors word he felt sad,sad that his dreams were shattered.At that day he swore to become a hero and never give up on his dream no matter how much he had to go through he would still be a hero.

Reader's POV

      "The good news are your daughter has a strong telekinesis quirk and if you train it she could easily lift a car"the doctor stated.Izumi was happy and Inko was congratulating her for her new quirk.While izuku was sad and had dropped his All Might Figurine on the floor.The ride home was just Inko congratulating her and saying she was going to be the no.1 hero but izuku was just silent.

       When they were home his dad(Toshinori) asked what their quirks are,Inko just said "Izuku is quirkless and Izumi has a strong telekinesis quirk."Toshinori lifted Izumi and said that she was going to be a great hero.Izuku was left alone he was thinking 'Tommorow is going to be better right.' 

Time Skip To School

He was sitting down eating by himself because everyone avoided him because of his quirklessness.Then Izumi, The Todoroki twins and Bakugo approached him then she asked "Do you still want to be a hero?" Which he replied with "YES MORE THAN ANYT-." He was cut off by Izumi using her quirk to throw him to a nearby tree and Bakugo exploding him and Shoto using his Ice and fire on him before they left Bakugo said "Dont be a hero you useless Deku" They then left leaving an injured Izuku on a tree.Then Izuku was helped by Shoko(Shoto's sister).Then she said "i'm sorry they injured you" Izuku answered saying "its fine" while trying to stand up.Then he walked home.When he was home he usually gets made food by his parents but instead now they only made food for Izumi.Which made Izuku have to learn how to cook,bandage himself,and etc.

Time Skip to Junior High

Izuku was in his classroom while the teacher was reading the list of which school they want to apply to,until he said izuku is applying to UA,everyone was laughing and some saying that UA has a 0.2% acceptance rate.after school Izumi and her gang went up to Izuku.Bakugo pulled out his notebook from his bag and blows it up and throws his notebook out of the window.Izumi then says "Dont apply to UA Deku they probably wont let a quirkless loser like you in UA". "But still i have to try"Izuku answered While they were leaving the class bakugo said "If you wanna be a hero that badly.There's a quick way to do it."  ' Wait is he giving me an advice' izuku thought "believe that you'll be born with a quirk in the next life and take a swan dive off the roof."Bakugo continued.

izuku went downstairs to get his notebook that landed in a koi pond then Shoko came and said sorry about everything as usual and went away. 'Who does he think he is he just instigated suicide if i had jumped he would be in big trouble think before you speak' izuku thought while he was walking under a tunnel then something came out of the manhole it was a sludge looking villain. He was trying to get inside izuku basically making him a puppet.He was trying to get out of his grip he was losing strength and dying until someone came out of the manhole and punched the villain until the villain splattered and he felt unconscious.

To Be Continued

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