Chapter 5 The Dwarfs Are Here! (3)

Start from the beginning

[Bofur:] “Ooh, d’hear that, lads? He says we’ll blunt the knives.”

[Kili begins singing and the other dwarves join him, as they continue throwing the dishware]

[The Dwarves and Calen, singing:]

“Blunt the knives, bend the forks

Smash the bottles and burn the corks

Chip the glasses and crack the plates

That’s what Bilbo Baggins hates!

Cut the cloth and tread on the fat

Leave the bones on the bedroom mat

Pour the milk on the pantry floor

Splash the wine on every door

Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl

Pound them up with a thumping pole

When you’ve finished, if any are

Send them down the hall to roll


That’s what Bilbo Baggins hates!”

Calen/Jazz pov

The dwarves, Gandalf and me all laugh. Suddenly, there are three loud knocks on the door, and everyone falls silent.

[Gandalf:] “He is here.”

They open the door, and there stands Thorin Oakenshield - Richard Armitage - He enters Bag End, my Jaw opens and hangs open before Kili shuts it.

I smile at him and he smiles back,Thorin then begins to speak to Gandalf.

[Thorin:] “Gandalf. I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way, twice. Wouldn’t have found it at all had it not been for that mark on the door.”

[Bilbo:] “Mark? There’s no mark on that door. It was painted a week ago!”

'OK poor Bilbo' I thought, he having a rough day first he find me and now the Dwarves and Gandalf.

[Gandalf:] “There is a mark; I put it there myself. Bilbo Baggins, allow me to introduce the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield.”

[Thorin:] “So, this is the Hobbit. Tell me, Mr. Baggins, have you done much fighting?”

[Bilbo:] “Pardon me?”

[Thorin:] “Axe or sword? What’s your weapon of choice?”

[Bilbo:] “Well, I have some skill at Conkers, if you must know, but I fail to see why that’s relevant.”

[Thorin:] “Thought as much. He looks more like a grocer than a burglar.”

I snicker quietly but Thorin obviously hears me and looks my way, he has a look of surprise ween he sees me his eyes are locked on my ears.

Oh yeah I forgot he doesn't like Elfs, Fuck!!

The dwarves all laugh, and they walk back to the dining table. As Thorin eats, the rest of them talk to him.

"you didn't tell me that Mr Baggins had a child with him Gandalf" said thorin gesturing to me.

Gandalf looks towards thorin then to me back to thorin, then answers "I didn't know out Hobbit had a child even if it is am Elfling" muttered Gandalf smoking on his pipe.

Hmp, how rude. "excuse you sir, this elfling has a name thank you very much" I yell standing on the table everything stops and the Dwarves all look at me.

I freeze and blush dark red at what I did, "U-Uh I-I mean heh" I stammer nervously.

Thorin smiles - I made him smile- "well then little elfling what is your name" he asked.

"Calen" I muttered, Thorin then holds out his hand to me I took it we then shook hands.

Their conversation then started up again as I leaned my head against filis side.

[Balin:] “What news from the meeting in Ered Luin? Did they all come?”

[Thorin:] “Aye. Envoys from all seven kingdoms.”

The dwarves murmur their joy.

[Dwalin:] “What do the dwarves of the Iron Hills say? Is Dain with us?”

[Thorin:] “They will not come.]

The dwarves murmur in disappointment, I frown in simpathy at them.

[Thorin:] “They say this quest is ours, and ours alone.”

Further disappointed murmurs.

[Bilbo:] “You’re going on a quest?”

[Gandalf:] “Bilbo, my dear fellow, let us have a little more light.”

Bilbo brings a candle to the table, where Gandalf has spread out a map which was in his pocket.

[Gandalf:] “Far to the East, over ranges and rivers, beyond woodlands and wastelands, lies a single solitary peak.”

[Bilbo and Calen-reading the map:] “The Lonely Mountain.”

"awesome" I whisper smiling as I looked at the map

[Gloin:] “Aye. Oin has read the portents, and the portents say it is time.”

[Oin:] “Ravens have been seen flying back to the mountain as it was foretold: When the birds of yore return to Erebor, the reign of the beast will end.”

[Bilbo, hearing “the beast,” looks concerned.]

The end

Finished chapter 5,i will write chapter six after school today.

Bye! Word count : 1200

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