Chapter 14 - Hogwarts Express

Start from the beginning

"How should I act around your friends? They're my students but I feel that it would be awkward for them to treat me as a professor on break," He explained as he reached over and laid his long arm around Rowan's shoulder. She cuddled into his grasp, leaning her head against his chest. "Just act as you do around me. Do you not have friends away from Hogwarts?" Rowan asked and Severus shook his head. 

"I don't have many friends anymore. There are the Malfoys but I was only associated with them because of the dark lord. The same goes for Peter Pettigrew. I'm sure you've heard tales of his death," Severus explained, rubbing his left forearm roughly. "Isn't Peter Pettigrew the one who died and all that was left was his finger?" Rowan inquired as she softly grabbed Severus' arm so that he wouldn't hurt himself. "That's what the rumor is. However, he has visited me at my home on multiple occasions after his supposed death," Severus said with a disgusted chuckle. Rowan's eyes widened at this news as she sat up. "He's still alive?" Rowan exclaimed softly and Severus nodded slowly. 

The thestrals came to a complete stop with a small thud. Rowan reached up to get her trunk, but before she could get to it, Severus was already heading out to the Hogwarts Express Train with both of their luggage.

"I appreciate the chivalry Severus, but I can carry it myself," Rowan said, attempting to keep up with Severus' long strides. "Can't I do something nice for my girlfriend?" Severus said in a whisper as they stepped onto the train. Rowan raised an eyebrow in suspicion but decided that she would stay quiet. She never wanted to stop hearing that word slip out of his perfect lips. Girlfriend

"Professor! Rowan! Over here," Juniper's small arms were waving widely out of a compartment toward the back of the train car. Severus placed their trunks above them and they took a seat on the opposite side of Millicent and Juniper. "How are you ladies this morning?" Severus asked awkwardly as he, yet again, slid his arm over Rowan's shoulder. "Very tired pro- Severus," Millicent said before whispering "Still not used to it," under her breath. "Don't mind her. She's been grouchy all day," Juniper said peppily as she stared at the two in front of you. "Please tell me you two are finally together!" She exclaimed, looking ready to explode. Severus looked down at Rowan and gave her a small nod of approval. "Yes, we are," Rowan said, her face turning a deep shade of red. 

"Yes!" Juniper exclaimed, causing Millicent to smile softly. It took quite a bit to get Millicent to stop being so cynical, and her friends brought out the happy side of her. "I remember in sixth-year when you swore it would never happen," Millicent said, catching Severus' attention. 

Sure, Rowan had admitted that she had liked him for quite some time but that was hard for Severus to believe. He had admired her from afar and she would haunt his dreams every night. The greatest idea he had ever had was to make her his assistant.

"Oh! Or when she stayed up all night for months studying that advanced potion book she checked out of the library. She was bloody bad at potions until then," Juniper added, causing Severus to turn to Rowan in concern. "You stayed up to learn about potion making?" Severus said lowly to her, gripping her shoulder with his hand. Rowan chuckled nervously and nodded. "Potions wasn't exactly my strong suit at Ilvermorny, even though it was my dream job. I was more into learning more about the dark arts than anything," Rowan said, glaring jokingly at her overly-talkative friends. "We will talk about this later," Severus whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. 

Rowan nodded and turned to Millicent, who seemed annoyed to be awake. "Millicent, I do have an interesting question for you," Rowan said, glancing at Juniper who seemed to know where this was leading. "What was a Ravenclaw's tie doing under your bed? I found it while helping Juni pack," Rowan asked with a small wink. Millicent's face turned a dark shade of red. "Well- it belongs to Luna Lovegood," She said in a daydream voice. Rowan smiled at her obviously lovestruck friend. "I get that, but what was it doing in your room?" She asked, attempting to get any information out of Millicent. 

"We're dating, I think. Well- it's not official or anything but we've slept-" Millicent stopped as she glanced at the potions professor who didn't even seem to be listening. Instead, his eyes were staring at a small newspaper in his lap. "-together...a few times," Millicent finished, sighing in relief when the professor hadn't even moved at her words. "Oh- wow. Okay, that's good," Rowan said, turning to look out the window as they passed by many empty hills. 

She was glad that Millicent had finally come out of her shell and met someone. Though, Rowan did have to admit she felt a little awkward since she was now the only virgin in her friend group. Juniper had lost hers fairly young, but as long as she was being safe Rowan supported her. It was just a little embarrassing. Not to mention, she was with an older guy now. Severus was officially her boyfriend so sex was inevitable. She just didn't know the right time to tell him or if she ever would. How bad could it possibly be?

Suddenly, Severus chuckled, causing Rowan to panic. "Were you reading my thoughts again?" She asked in a hurried tone, causing everyone to look at her strangely. "No, should I have been?" Severus asked in a slightly accusatory tone. Rowan shook her head and turned away from him. While Severus was confused, he decided not to press her on the topic. 

"Ro, do you wanna come with me to get some snacks?" Juniper asked when the compartment fell into an awkward silence. "The cart comes to us, I thought?" Millicent chimed in, receiving a light whack on the arm from Juniper. "Um- Sure. I'll come with you," Rowan said, confused. 

Severus looked up at the girl who sat across from him now. He had always called her Bulstrode, but maybe this would change that. He didn't mind calling the students by their first names as long as they would refrain from being absolute idiots. He didn't see the appeal in the three Slytherin student's that Rowan loved so much, but if she liked them he would try to be friends. 

"If you had to choose a Ravenclaw, Miss Lovegood was a good choice," Severus said, his eyes still glued onto his newspaper. He heard the young Slytherin make a small squealing noise and turn away from him. Making friends with his students would be harder than he originally thought. 

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

She ducked away from Severus' grasp and the two left the compartment. Juniper walked for a few steps until she was sure she was far enough away from the compartment to be heard. "What was all that about?" Juniper asked in a hushed voice. "What do you mean?" Rowan asked as her brow furrowed in confusion. "Millicent brought up the fact that she had sex with Luna, you get all quiet and accuse your new boyfriend of reading your mind?" Juniper said as if it had been blatantly obvious what she had been talking about. 

Rowan sighed and shook her head. "He doesn't know..." She mumbled so that only Juniper could hear her. Juniper's previously frowning face softened as Rowan explained. It all started to make sense now. "That's probably something he should know," She said, trying not to cross any boundaries. "How am I supposed to tell him? Hi Severus, I'm twenty years old and I'm a virgin!" Rowan said, holding out her hand sarcastically. "I'm not saying you have to tell him now. Just if it ever comes up in conversation," Juniper offered but her friend only shook her head. 

"He'll leave me, Juni. I'm telling you, I'm constantly ruining things. The last thing he needs to know is that I'm a virgin. He'll look at me like a kid," Rowan said, hanging her head in shame. She knew how much Severus hated immaturity, she feared he would leave if he found out the truth. "He won't leave you, but I'm not going to force you to tell him. It's whenever you're ready," Juniper said and they started to make their way back to the compartment. 

When they arrived, Millicent looked like she was going to burst into tears at any second. Rowan looked to Severus, who was still reading the newspaper. "What did you do?" Rowan asked him as she took her seat beside him. Severus only shrugged and put away his newspaper. "I'm only trying to be friends with your friends," He said, reaching down and grabbing her hand. 

Rowan's heart leaped at the show of affection, but the thought was still in the back of her mind. What if he found out and left her?

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