𝙨𝙣𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙮 𝙗𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙮𝙠𝙖𝙬𝙖

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and she did. go to his game that is. she had been to nearly every single one, actually. she didn't know why he even asked anymore, when he knew she would be there.

she watched the players file back into the locker rooms as she stayed in her seat. she chuckled at a group of ever-so-persistent fangirls flock outside the door, waiting for the boys to come out. she stayed after every game. she'd hang out with the team, who she had grown to like, and then get on the train with oikawa.


it was her phone. she pulled it from her pocket, unlocking it. one new message from oinks 🥺. she clicked on the banner, her conversation with the boy loading.

oinks 🥺
7:07 p.m.

oinks 🥺
y/n channn :(

best bitch

oinks 🥺
you're gonna laugh
don't laugh

best bitch
just tell me

oinks 🥺
i fucked up

best bitch
just come out here and tell me

oinks 🥺
i cant—
i mean technically i could
but that's not fucking happening

best bitch
what the hell did you do

oinks 🥺
listen carefully
i need you to go to my locker
and grab my spare shirt.

best bitch
um okay?
but why ??

oinks 🥺
and then bring it here.

best bitch

oinks 🥺

best bitch

oinks 🥺

best bitch
i literally despise you
but i'm getting mochi for a week.

oinks 🥺


the girl wanted to bash her head into a wall. but she hurried to his locker nonetheless, grabbing his spare shirt, which he wore under his uniform on cold days. she had no idea what happened to his normal sweatshirt that he always wore after games, but she assumed he'd tell her once she got there.

she made it back to the gym in record time. she could feel the stares of the girls as she walked past them and to the locker room door, but she ignored them. think of the mochi y/n, the reminded herself, trying to forget how embarrassing it would be to walk into a room with a bunch of half naked boys.

she covered her eyes with her left hand, using her right, which held the shirt, to open the door. she could hear the chatter immediately as she walked down the small hall that was the entrance. a laugh sounded from a few feet in front of her. "y/n? oh my god, he actually called her?" the voice was makki's. she felt her face redden with embarrassment.

"oikawa tōru of you don't come here right now i'm gonna beat the hell out of you." she snapped, which earned a laugh from all the boys. "y/n-chan your such a baby!" it was oikawa this time, his voice now appearing beside her. she felt the shirt leave her grasp, and the rustling of fabric. once it stopped, she turned so the only thing she could see was him and the wall, and slowly uncovered her eyes.

"you're the baby! why'd you make me come in here, dipshit?" she glared at him, and his smug look. he thought it was funny. "kindaichi got his weird axe on my other one. you think i'm gonna talk to girls smelling like a middle school boy after gym?" as the words left his lips, she swore she could feel her brain cells dying. she looked at him, dumbfounded.

"what the fuck, moron!" she snapped again, chopping him in the side. "oww! y/n-chan!" he whined, grabbing his side. "you smug little shit." she mumbled, scoffing, "kunimi is my new favorite, because you're annoying." she added, crossing her arms.

she huffed, shielding her eyes again, before turning back around. "bye to kunimi only, because you guys didn't stop him. and kunimi... i just can't be mad at him. not bye to the rest of you." she finished, hearing kunimi respond with a quiet, "bye, i guess." before exiting. just for safe measure, not removing her hand from her eyes until she was out.

she got weird, questioning looks from the girls, though none of them said anything. y/n was obviously annoyed with the dramatic boy, but she waited for him nonetheless. she had mochi to eat.

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