CHAPTER 13: Reason 4

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A/N: For Shairaline (: Here's your request love. <3

First, I would like to apologize because this one's crappy. Next, I fell asleep so I wasn't able to update earlier than you expected. Second, I would add a new character. It's Keaton Stromberg. Yeah, the guy from Emblem 3. You know, to make the story crazier. HAHAHA! Okay. Now, read. Don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter. Leave some comments too!

HAPPY 8K reads to us! YAY! *w*



@greysonchance I love you.

@greysonchance We miss you on Twitter!

@greysonchance I hope you’ve fully recovered from the accident! I nearly died when I found out about it.

@greysonchance We miss seeing you on TV!

I smiled while scanning through my mentions on Twitter. It’s really nice to know that my fans are still there for me. I mean, I’ve come a long way. I thank God because I’m not boring them with my music.

I replied, followed and retweeted a lot of fans before logging off. I sat upright and placed the phone on my bedside table. I decided not to go to work today because it’s Saturday. I’d rather stay at home… or hang out with YN. Right? Besides, I need to finish the 10 reasons.

I went downstairs and saw YN on the living room. She’s munching some apples. I smiled and rushed to her side. She was about to bite the apple but I grabbed it from her hand and took a bite.

“Hey! That’s mine!” She yelled.

“Not anymore.” I said while waving the apple on the air.

She glared at me. “Get your own.” She tried grabbing the apple out of my hand but I stood up and raised my hand up in the air. “Gimme that!” She said while jumping up and down. I tiptoed so I would look like a little taller.

I looked down on her and stuck my tounge out. “You’re so short.” I teased.

“I don’t care. Just give me that damn apple.”

“I told you, this is now mine. Get your own.”

She stopped jumping which made me stopped tiptoeing. “Greyson Chance.” She stated my name firmly.

I smirked and bend my knees just enough for my face to level hers. “Yes. YN?” My eyes met hers and our faces are just few inches away. I took this oppurtunity to stare at her face.

Dug dug dug dug dug dug

Damn. What the hell is that? Why do I keep hearing loud bangs inside my chest this past few days? Did they install a drum inside of me or something without me knowing?

A strange feeling inside my stomach began to form. I don’t know but, it made me nervous.

I reached for her hand and placed the apple on top of her palm and walked away quietly.


I heard her say. I breathe deeply and walked to the kitchen.

What the hell just happened?

I opened the fridge to get some water.

And a vision of her face appeared in my mind. Her perfectly manicured brows, her eyes, her nose, her cheeks, her lips… everything is beautiful.

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