CHAPTER 30: Issues + Upcoming Revelation

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A/N: Wondering why the title of Chapter 30 is "Issues + Upcoming Revelation"? Ofc, no. Haha! Read this then. Hi GreyWriter! Here's your dedication. Lovelove. <3


AND OH! I made a new cover -->


I woke up today feeling so happy about Greyson’s interview yesterday with Ellen. I can’t help but get excited with the thought that anytime he’d show his face to me and he’ll profess his undying love for me. Err… okay. That was so gay.

After taking a decent shower, I changed into some clothes where I’m really comfortable at wearing, wore my heels and did myself a light make up. I grabbed my bag and my car keys then I’m off to work.

As I sped down the busy streets of L.A., the thought of my ‘happy ever after’ with Greyson whirled inside my head. It didn’t make me any dizzy though, in fact I can spend all day just imagining what good things might happened between me and Greyson. I can’t help but get ecstatic and giddy.

My driving went slow by the minute and that’s when I noticed I’m in the middle of a heavy traffic jam. While waiting for the car ahead of me move, I turned on the radio for some music.

But instead of hearing some ear-soothing sound… I heard some earth shattering news.

“And for our entertainment news, teen singing sensation, Greyson Chance was seen with Lauren Westphalen entering Keck Hospital of USC after his interview with Ellen yesterday. We tried to ask the reason why they were there but they just gave us a light smile and walk away together holding each other’s hand. Yes folks, you heard that right. They were holding each other’s hands. In his interview with Ellen yesterday, Greyson Chance cleared the rumors that Lauren Westphalen is not his girlfriend and the guy named Keaton Stromberg isn’t [Your Full Name]’s boyfriend. Some believed but some just didn’t buy what he said especially that they were seen together last night. Greyson and Lauren were also reportedly seen dining in a fancy restaurant in L.A. right after they went in the hospital. There were also a blurry pictures of them kissing which shocked the netizens. You can see their pictures on our website, . Best friends? Hmm... Tell us what you think. Next issue is about—“


I grunted and switched off the radio infuriately as tighten my grip on the steering wheel. What are they doing in the hospital where Greyson was brought after the accident? Why did they dine together? Or rather, WHY ARE THEY TOGETHER?

”No. Lauren is not my girlfriend. We’re kind best friends. And, that guy is Keaton. He is YN’s best friend.”

Right. Best friends. They are best friends. Greyson treats her as his best friend. I need not to worry.

“I love her.”

“He loves me. He loves me. He… loves me.” I said repeatedly, trying to convince myself.

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