CHAPTER 2: Last two years...

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  • Dedicated to Jers Fernandez

A/N: This is for my atty. bebs -- JERS! :D Request granted bebs! *winks*

TAKE NOTE: I will update every Saturday and Sunday. Please understand because I am a student. :) Thank you.



I opened my eyes wide with shock and gasped for air rapidly. Once I regained my normal breathing state, I looked around this strangely sterile room I was in.

 Where am I? What happened? Am I alive?

So many questions racked my brain, yet I couldn’t answer one of them. I sighed and stared out the closest window. Should I stay here or look for someone? Never mind, there’s a uniformed lady coming towards my bedside.

“Greyson, how do you feel?” She asked with a friendly smile one etched on her face.

“Okay, I guess.” My voice came out scratchy, not what I expected.

“That’s good.” She narrowed her eyes at a chart in front of her, scribbling notes down with speed.

“Where am I?” I spoke in a scared whisper.

“You’re in Keck Hospital of USC dear. Now I’m just going to ask a few questions and I want you to answer them as best as you can.” I nodded, it was the most I could do.

“Full name?”

“Greyson Michael Burton Chance” I crinkled my nose at the sound of my middle name, I hated it.

“Good, date of birth?” She raised her eyebrows at me.

“August sixteenth, 1997.” I replied with ease. Why was she asking me stupid questions?


“Kell West Regional Hospital.” I smiled.

“Okay and what is the most recent thing you remember?” Ouch, that one was tough. I bit my lip and stared at the ceiling.

“Uhm.. A post-celebration of my 16th birthday which was organized by my girlfriend.” The lady gave me a concerned look. Wait; if this was a hospital then she must be a nurse!

“And what is her name?

“Lauren Westphalen. Do I need to describe her or have I answered all your questions?” I said quite jerkily, folding my arms stubbornly over my chest as I did so.

“So you don’t remember anything from the last two years?” She looked at me with pity. Why should she pity me? I had a good think about it, and oddly enough I couldn’t remember a thing.

I shook my head no and un-folded my arms. “Can I go yet?”

“Afraid not dear, we need to run a few more tests.” I exhaled deeply to show my annoyance.



“Can I see him yet?” I basically begged the nurse, taking peeps into his room. Greyson was talking to his parents, he looked fine.

The nurse sighed and looked defeated. “Okay, you can go in now. But don’t flood him with questions, he’s tired.”

I pushed past her and looked over at Greyson’s smiling face. I examined every little bit of his face and feel in love all over again.

The way he gets dimples when he smiles, the way his eyes light up when something exciting happens, the way he bit her lip and stared at the roof while he’s thinking. He was perfect.

I rushed to his side and didn’t hesitate to take his hand in mine. “Oh god Greyson, you scared me! I’m so glad you’re okay.” But he shortly pulled her hand away and glared at me.

My face fell. Did I do something wrong? I racked my brain to think of anything that I might have done to offend him.

“Do I know you?” He raised his perfectly arched eyebrows at me.

My heart sunk to the pit of my stomach, I clutched it in pain. I felt my heart shatter into tiny little pieces, and each piece was digging into my skin. Nothing had hurt this bad, not even when I tripped after my date with Greyson. Tears brimmed in my eyes, and I blinked them back.

I stumbled backwards until I found the wall then I slid down the wall so I was sitting with my back against it. I tangled my hands through my hair and let my head sink.

How could this be happening? How could he forget me?

“Don’t you remember YN dear?” his mother tried to tell him who I was. But their voices faded out as I only had one thing on my mind.

The next thing I knew, the nurse was kneeling beside me. “Is there an issue ma’am?”

“Why doesn’t he remember me?” I sobbed. Still not letting the tears fall.

“He lost all of his memories from the past two years.” She rested a hand on my shoulder comfortingly. I shrugged it off.

He lost all of his memories from the past two years….. In the past two years, he still doesn’t know I exist. In the past two years, I’m just a fan. In the past two years, he doesn’t love me.

He is my everything, but he doesn’t even know who I am. I decided to give it another go, at refreshing his memory. I walked shakily towards him.

“Greyson, I know you don’t remember, but please try. I’m your girlfriend, and I love you so much more than I’ll ever be able to say. I just want to hear you say you love me too, one more time.” I pleaded.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t love you. I don’t even know your name…” He said glaring. I shook my head, and I ran.

I don’t even know where exactly I’m running to, but I know I’m getting there. Tears slid down my cheeks faster than I have ever experienced. I kept running, I took the stairs instead of the elevator. I kept running despite the many calls I kept hearing, telling me to stop. I ran all the way to the entrance where Joel, Eben, and Nikki were walking in. Joel looked distressed and Eben was comforting him as best as he could. I ran straight past them, and I heard them calling out for me to come back, but I couldn’t. I could not handle anything like that right now. I ran until I found myself at a park. I sat down on the closest bench and just cried. Letting the tears fall freely.

What point is there in living if I can’t do it with Greyson?

I felt someone sit next to me on the park bench.  I resisted the urge to look at the person, though I was really curious.

“You must be stunned.” Nikki whistled. I sniffed then glanced sideways at her. She was staring at a bunch of stars in the night sky. It was only one o’clock in the morning, yet so much had happened in the past 16 hours. Too much if you ask me...

“You wouldn’t understand.” I said a lot harsher than I intended.

“You’re right I wouldn’t, and that is why I respect the fact that you’re crying.” She said all too simply.

“What am I going to do Niks? I’ve lost him.” I sniffed, lowering my head again. Speaking the truth didn’t make it any easier, if anything it made it harder.

“No, you haven’t. But you will if you keep thinking like that. He doesn’t remember a thing, so why don’t you make new memories? Show him why you two fell in love in the first place.” I took in Nikki’s suggestion, analysing every detail.

Maybe she was right. Maybe all he needed was to be reminded of what we had.


A/N: Uh-oh. Lauren's name is in there. :o Any predictions on what will happened next?

If there were any errors, I'm sorry. Vote if you liked it. And, please tell me what you think. :) Thank you! <3

Keep swaggin' (;

@swagnificientJB | @CallMeKhim

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