Chapter 12

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Toshinori would be lying if he said he wasn't even a tiny bit nervous about the sports festival. He was a bit concerned about how young Midoriya was going to do, despite the pep talk. The kid had the potential, but he was worried that his selflessness was going to be his downfall, and now more than ever it was important for the boy to bring his fighting spirit. He knew he'd put a lot of pressure on Midoriya, but that was rather the point - being a pro hero was a career that would put him under pressure constantly, and he needed to learn to cope with that. He didn't require that the teen win, he just wanted to see him give his best.

All Might was less concerned about Hara, but was still eager to see her in action again. The past week had been a turn he'd never expected and was honestly still in disbelief about. The first couple of days had been awkward sleeping in the same bed as the young woman, and he was sure his mother was turning in her grave at the indecency. However, it was shocking just how great he felt. Apparently, he should have been bed sharing for years, because Hara's soft breathing lulled him to sleep better than any medication or meditation ever had.

Plus the quiet mumbling and small noises she made in her sleep were positively adorable.

It had taken a couple of days to come to terms with the fact that he was unconsciously pulling her to him while they slept, and he felt almost despicable for the way it made his heart stutter to open his eyes and have her as the first thing he saw. On the mornings he awoke before she did, he would lay still, feeling her side rise and fall steadily where his arm rested across her waist and enjoying the warmth of her snuggled against him. By now he'd had plenty of time to analyze his feelings for the vigilante, and he was still certain that he was in trouble. The more he was around her, the deeper he fell - which was pitiful, frankly, since he still struggled to reveal even minor personal details to her. Toshinori was also depressingly aware of the fact that he couldn't do anything about it either. He wanted her, but he'd seen what it had done to his master - when Nana's husband was killed and her son had to be sent away - he didn't know if he would have the strength to go through that, if it ever came to it. So, for now, their friendship (albeit a peculiar one) was enough for him. It had to be.

Thirteen sat beside him in the faculty seats and nudged his arm, pulling him out of his thoughts. He could hear the smile in her voice when she said, "You look like you're miles away, All Might."

"Heh, yeah. I was just thinking about how the first years are going to do," he only half lied.

"You mean class 1A, don't you?" she asked. "They're quite the group - I haven't seen a class as strong as theirs in a while."

"To get through a villain attack so soon in their student careers like they did? It's impressive. And they've all learned from it too - even in their training exercises they've learned not to hesitate," he said analytically, and Thirteen nodded.

"You really do have a weak spot for that bunch don't you?" she asked not unkindly. "Eraser Head seems to think you're just a big softy," she teased.

All Might chuckled. "He might be right," he replied, eyes focusing on the field as the first years entered the stadium. "I do try not to play favorites, though."

Thirteen shrugged. "There are always favorites - that happens with teaching. You've been doing great with them, All Might. Mentoring suits you," she complimented him and he had to laugh at that.

"Funny you should say that. I still feel like I have no clue what I'm doing half the time," he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck and grinning.

She shook her head, eyes smiling. "No, you keep up the good work."

The two heroes fell quiet as they watched the opening ceremonies, and All Might internally cringed at young Bakugo's words. The boy was driven, but had a rotten attitude. If he really wanted to be one of the greats, he'd have to work on his popularity. Then again, he could think of another top hero with a similarly abrasive personality. His eyes slid across to look at the other side of the stands, where a flame-covered hero stood watching the proceedings. Toshinori had a feeling that he was going to have to deal with him at some point today, and he wasn't terribly excited about it.

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