Chapter 16

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Toshinori had seen some pretty rough weeks in his life, but the past five days had possibly made the list of top ten - if not top five - worst weeks he could remember.

First of all, his week had already started off on a sour note from the uneasy way he and Hara had left things before she'd departed for internships. He wasn't quite sure where they stood anymore, so he still wasn't a hundred percent clear on how badly he'd fucked things up. He was sleeping like shit again (if he managed to sleep at all, which three nights this week he hadn't), and then there was the horrifying conversation he'd had with Naomasa. He'd know the League was connected to All for One, but still... he hadn't dared to entertain the idea that his nemesis might not truly be gone. And now there was Gran Torino ripping him a new one over the phone while he paced back and forth in the empty staff lounge, sinking lower and lower into mortification.

What did you do young Midoriya?!

The conversation only got worse the longer it went on, and as Gran Torino told his old pupil about the Hero Killer's new association with the League of Villains and what that meant for the future, All Might thought it was a very real possibility that he might be sick. If Gran Torino thought there was merit to the idea that All for One was back, then he really was doomed. Night Eye's vision might come true after all.

"Toshinori," his old mentor's voice sounded tired through the phone, "that child admires you so wholly and fiercely. You should find the time to tell him everything concerning you and One for All. Be honest. He deserves to know the truth. "

But how could he? It was too much to put on the boy, and he was still just a child. And...

And he was All Might's fan. As vain and selfish as it may seem, Toshinori wasn't sure he was ready to see the boy disillusioned and no longer awed by his former favorite hero - because, come on, how could he still look up to him the same way if he knew all the ugly facts? Gran Torino had said to tell him everything, but the blonde man knew what he mainly meant by that was 'tell the kid about All for One' - and likely inform him about Nana as well. Those would both be difficult conversations, but perhaps ones he could muster the courage to bring up. Everything else could wait a while.

After his conversation with his old mentor, he'd done some thinking and decided that if he was going to tell Midoriya about his past, then maybe he should practice some first. Hara already knew about All for One after all, so it would be easier to start with her, right? So that evening when his phone rang and the picture she'd sent him a few months back of her and his hologram popped up on his screen, he warred between grimacing and smiling. Regardless, this was the lightest he'd felt so far this week as he picked up the call.

"Isn't it past your bedtime?" he answered coyly.

She scoffed on the other end, and it was pitiful how much he'd missed her voice. "Most people start with 'hi,' you know."

The smile had won out, and he grinned as he leaned back against the wall. He'd been training at the gym in All Might Tower trying to drown out his thoughts with exercise, but it would be a lie if he said she wasn't a welcome distraction. He put on his best 'All Might' voice and cheekily replied, "Hello there, Miss Hara!"

Her little chuckle lifted his spirits even more. "You dork," she teased fondly. "Hi to you too."

"So, to what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked. "I hadn't expected to hear from you until Saturday. Figured the Twin Heroes would keep you too busy."

"Well, I'm sure Midoriya's called you already, or Gran Torino," Toshinori froze, smile disappearing. Oh no. If she knew Gran Torino by name, then whatever trouble Midoriya had gotten into must have involved her too. He hadn't asked too many questions earlier, but really it was a bit foolish of him in hindsight to not even ask his mentor what had happened to result in him losing his teaching license. "But I figured I'd give you a ring and let you know I'm okay too."

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