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The world was a circus, and Alice Fletcher had been set for a lead role. At least, that's how it seemed to her.

Alice felt hundreds of eyes all trained on her as she made her way through the common hub room and towards the kitchen. Word seemed to travel fast within the confined space of Yosemite Square. Soon enough most people knew about her excursion to the outside world, though in an odd way Alice had to admit the rumour mill had its perks. People now tended to steer well clear from her.

Alice had hardly left her room over the past week. What'd be the point? She asked herself. Up top was a hellhole after all, with down here seeming no better.

Moving like a blur she ducked in and out of the kitchen, grabbing a bag of salted peanuts and a handful of hard candy. Just what she was looking for.

As she reached the hallway leading back to her room she passed briefly by General Sharpe. The two instinctively made eye contact as they went, both doing their best to quickly look away.

The General had demanded a debrief upon her return a week ago. HE was furious, demanding to know who had authorised such a dangerous mission and why some of his best operatives were now MIA. Alice was near breaking point back then. She'd been inches from cracking, screaming and yelling as she explained their secret mission for Malkins and the truth behind both Haydens murder and Marcus's unfortunate death.

That's when Dr Malkins stepped in.

He'd overheard their discussion and came walking into the General's office in support of Alice. They had a mutual interest in keeping such thing a secret after all, as they'd both be reprimanded for such blasé actions.

"Baxter was the spy sir"

"Hayden Baxter?"

"That's correct sir. I'd long since suspected it you see, however it was only until recently that I'd come under possession of evidence"

It was then that he revealed photos from his pocket, black and white images revealing Hayden snooping around the archives that night the three of them had met up. Alice felt ill, how much had he overheard down there?

"I didn't want to cause a fuss... couldn't jeopardise spooking him"

The General was nodding along with Malkins. Alice had been impressed, the doc had Sharpe tightly wrapped around his finger.

"And so" he continued "I sent Miss Fletcher and Mr Grove after him in secret. They were his closest allies after all, I was certain they'd be able to get the truth out of him one way or another. My mistake however, for he wisened up and retaliated. The madman kidnapped the pair and brought them topside intending execution! Thank the lord above that Miss Fletcher was able to survive such an ordeal. Mr Grove however..."

The General had nodded, turning to Alice

"Is this true Miss Fletcher?"

She had nodded, keeping the truth hidden from the General and retiring quickly to her room to continue crying.

It was this exchange Alice was reminded of as the General averted his eyes and kept walking past her. Even he seemed to understand her grief, chewing away on her peanuts.

Hurrying back to her room before it all became too overwhelming she slammed the door shut behind her and dived under her blanket. The crinkling of wrappers and papers littering the bedroom floor slowly ceased as she pulled out a precious artefact from her pocket.

The two of them smiling at the camera. Hands round shoulders with their backpacks strapped tight and hope glimmering in their eyes. The backdrop of red weed reduced to a grey ink, the scars cuts and bruises on Alice and Marcus's feet clearly visible.

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