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The heat from the sun was a welcome reprieve for the white rabbit, soaking in its rays as it nibbled away at a stray leaf that had fallen into its cage. Cog the Rabbit happily fed away whilst the two humans scrambled for survival.

The night had ended with Joan in Alex's arms, pleading for him to stay as the cannibalistic horrors of Getzkys camp vividly clung to her mind.

"Its ok Joan its ok" he had said, over and over again as the night dragged on and Joan finally fell into a deep yet restless sleep. He'd stayed there with her, all night. His eyes alert and never wavering. Any movement from the bushes and he was alert, peering into the darkness, preparing for whatever was peering back.

This was how they had reached the morning. Joan drenched in sweat and mud, Alex cold and sleep deprived.

Joan finally woke as a beam of light reached her eyes. Gradually at first she moved. Once she realised where she was however her movement become more erratic, and Alex held her tight in a bid to calm her down
"Joan Joan its ok its fine look at me its ok"

She continued to scramble amongst their embrace, though the energy behind it was weaker and soon enough she stopped entirely. She sobbed.

"We've got to go" she uttered between breaths.

Alex sighed "I know I was all for that before, but maybe we slow it down just for now. Sit here a while whilst you catch your breath"

She shook her head though made no attempt to struggle. The movement was more a gesture now than anything truly meaningful.

"We've got to go Alex they're coming. They'll get us and they'll"-

She broke down again, clinging to him some more. Another hour had passed before Joan finally found the courage to get up. Standing on her own two feet, she surveyed the situation.

They were still in the forest, though from where she stood she could make out the recognisable imagery of the highway road. Before them was a small ditch and then the end of the forest. Civilisation, or what was left of it. Joan felt ill, she wasn't sure she could stomach mass gatherings of people just yet.

"I just"-

"Joan. Its ok. You don't have to tell me what happened, its clear whatever happened, you truly went through hell"

She shook her head

"Maybe we focus on something else then huh?"

Again, she shook her head.

Alex lifted the cage containing Cog, peering inside to say hi to the white creature. Though the disturbance of his home was noticeable, Cog quickly returned to the entertainment of the leaf.

Joan tried to focus herself. She still had her own vital mission after all, find and retrieve Louis. All she wanted now was him safe in her arms. They'd been apart for far too long, longer than they'd ever been before. These past few days without him had been torture both physically and mentally, she wouldn't rest until he was back in her arms.

"Im sorry Joan"

Alex's voice interrupted her inner monologue, catching her off guard


"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have stormed out like that. It wasn't right of me to leave you like... in that condition. I should've sucked it up and followed you, resistance be damned"

Joan shook her head

"No no Alex you were right, I'm sorry. The path to the resistance was obviously the safest route, I was just too blinded to see that. I hate to admit it, but without you Im a sitting duck"

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