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A chorus of panicked voices echoed out against the halls of Hersch Manor. People were scared, the entire remaining population of Yöpil stood abandoned and alone in the living room, looking to their mayor Abigail for some sort of reassurance.

"What do you mean they're on their way!?"
"We barely survived the first round, there's no way we make it through the second!"
"Why are they coming! I thought you said the Seargent got rid of them!"

"We're all going to die aren't we!?"

For all the experience that Abigail had gained over the years, never had she had to deal with an emotionally charged mob such as this one. They were scared, and rightfully so; for their mayor had just informed them all that the tripods would not only be returning, but were setting their sights on this very manor. As one would expect, this had not gone down so well.

Seargent Michaels stood off to the side, stooped in the shadows of the libraries darkest corner.

He could see her trying her best. Her stuttering and murmuring were symptoms of her own fear for the future, a new look for her. She tried to match his gaze for reassurance, however Michaels averted his eyes.

He felt too ashamed. Unable to admit to the survivors what had happened, what he had done. Whatever happened now to this town was solely on him. He had doomed these poor souls to a short future, and yet his plans remained the same.

Michaels had to constantly remind himself about the priority. Benson. He had a duty to his men, to see them through to the end and to do whatever it takes to bring them home.

It pained him to think such things, to act in such a way. He had been blinded by his love for Abigail for such a long time he hadn't seen it before, his ignorance to such a duty that all Sergeants stood by. He'd made some horrible mistakes in the past, this was the only possible way the Seargent thought he could rectify it.

With Michaels not matching her gaze Abigail derailed. Without any words of wisdom or ability to comfort, she instead retired to the study once more with no more than a "I must go"

to her impatient crowd.

The eyes all turned to Michaels now. He raised his hands.
"Ill talk to her"

Bodies began to run up to him as he tried to push his way through the crowd towards the study door. The massive surge of people took his by surprise and he stumbles slightly before regaining himself.

"Seargent are we going to die"

"How did you get rid of them"
"What do we do?!"
He answered nothing, said nothing, pushing past them all before finally reaching the handle of the study door.

Training to become a Seargent, one was expected to handle crowds and PR with ease. In a different scenario, Michaels would have excelled at this. He'd've known just what to say and when to say it. The stress of the situation was getting to him, and he noticed he was most certainly losing the skills he was expected to have. Slamming the door shut behind him, he turned his attention to the cowering Abigail.

"Abigail... I"-


She cut him off rather abruptly, standing straight and turning round to face him. Her face was red, tears flowing down her cheeks and her fists were clenched tight.

"Why James. Why did you do it"

Michaels frowned
"Why would you sabotage my town and I?"
Michaels went to move forwards but Abigail instinctively pulled back

"Abigail no... IT was an accident I"-

"You needed an excuse to go. To up and leave and when an opportunity presented itself to you, you took it. Now look where you are, my town is being destroyed and you are set to walk off guilt free to find Benson"

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