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The sound was faint and yet unmistakeable. It clawed its way into Michaels sleeping mind like a parasite, eating away at his blissful dreams until they had become an unrecognisable mess of shrill cries and begging corpses.
Michaels awoke suddenly and rather violently, disturbing Abigail's own slumber in the process. The rotting face of Cincinnati still haunted his vision.

"What... what's going on?" Abigail groaned, rubbing her eyes and straightening up onto the couch.
"I think"-

Michaels was interrupted by yet another loud guttural bellow from the mechanical beast far in the distance.


The noise shot through both of them like a wave as they shuddered.

Both of them. Wide eyed and staring, waiting for the other to make the first move. This wasn't the plan. The aliens weren't supposed to be here yet.
It was Michaels who broke his wave of panic first and took the initiative to say something

"What the fuck"

In almost perfect unison, the two of them made a break for the window, scooting up onto of the desk as to get a good look out into the early morning horizon of Yöpil.


On the horizon. A large silhouette, at such a distance too that it took them both a second later before their worst fears were able to be actualised. They both knew.

"What the fuck is a tripod doing here this early" Michaels exclaimed.

Abigail gasped out in anguish, frozen in fear staring straight ahead out the window. She was trembling now, reaching out for his one good hand. Their hands found each other and she gripped tight.
Michaels head was elsewhere, going over their plan. It was still viable, they'd just have to enact it in a much shorter time span. He could already hear loud rummaging coming from down the hall, must be Jones and Benson scrambling to their positions.

"We can't waste time dwelling on this now Abby" Michaels said. The words seemed harsh, though they were coated in the thick veil of a kind and caring tone that Abigail seemed to appreciate.

She shook her head.

"Yeah... Yeah you're right we don't have much time"

she suddenly pulled herself away from the window, dragging Michaels along too.

"We must get our supplies quick, before those things get any closer. The people need us!"

They then proceeded to hurriedly get dressed and make their way down the hall and up into the attic.

Michaels noted two missing packs and some of their supplies absent, with half of the portable radios gone too.

Good, Michaels thought. His small team of remaining men still had their shit together. No doubt they were trudging through the bushes right now, Benson to his vantage point and Jones to the point of infiltration.

Jostling the heavy backpack onto his shoulders he turned to face Abigail. She had a similarly bulging pack on her back and was strapping things into place.

"Remember" Michaels said sternly, though Abigail butt in

"If things go wrong, meet in the trees behind the manor"

He nodded in approval. They'd been over the plan what must've felt like fifty times last night.
Last night.
Only now was he beginning to notice the small headache intruding into his mind, and the smell of booze lingering on his breathe. Nonetheless, he shook it off.

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