(אחת-עשרה) Stay prepared

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Anything can happen in the throngs of life, if you keep your eyes open, as a Spiritual Royal, you'll never be caught off-guard.

This is not the normal type of preparation, because the truth is humans cannot prepare themselves for what Yahuah is going to allow to happen in our lives. As a human we do not think like Elohim thinks, we can't see into the future and our wisdom is foolishness to him. So, how do we prepare? We let him prepare us. While plans are good, we must ensure that at all times, our plan is made and approved by Yahusha. We can't make our plan a 2nd, not even a 3rd option because Yahuah's plans never fail. Human plans do not have merit with Yahuah according to James 4:13-16. He is in control of tomorrow and without him, we cannot accomplish anything. 

As Royals, spiritual and mental preparation is quite deep. Repentance is the first part of preparation, nothing starts without it; repentance is the first form of true humility, to be saved, you have to first recognize and admit the fact that you need to be saved according to James 5:16. In preparation to serve Yahuah, other than committing our plans to him, we must be mentally prepared to sacrifice everything for him. According to Luke 14:26-33 we must be prepared to lose family, friendships, relationships and even our lives for the work of the ministry.

The bible says whatever we do or say must be unto the glory of Elohim. If we are honest... Let me repeat, if we are HONEST with ourselves, we will admit that not everything we do is unto the glory of Elohim; not all the books that we read, not all the movies/tv shows/videos/anime we watch, not all the music we listen to, not all the events we go to or celebrate, not all the games that we play, not all the conversations we have etc. is of righteousness. Now, take a moment and think about it...

Now, after thinking about it, you must have thought of something you do that doesn't completely line up to righteousness. What should we do then? We do what 1 Thessalonians 5:22 says: abstain from all appearance of evil. You might think you have phenomenal self-control, but Yahusha thinks differently. Never be too self confident, the bible says in Exodus 23:13 that we should be circumspect in all things Elohim has taught us. Without being vigilant and sober at all times, we will not be spiritually prepared, we will only be fighting a losing battle. 

Our meditation is important, let not the world take up your time, whether it's work, school or relationships, there should be a balance and if any of those (especially work & relationships) come between you and Elohim, then it is not a gift from him, but a gift from Satan. Anything that keeps you distracted, anything that takes up all your time and attention has become your Elohim. Have we ever just stopped at any time in the day and really evaluated our routine, how many hours of the day goes towards worshipping the almighty? Why do other religions honour their Elohims of wood and stone, so reverently and fervently, but we treat Yahuah as a passing thought? We do this daily and then on the day of affliction, we cry out to him. This is why some prayers are not listened to, because Yahuah has to allow some things to happen to us to make us know that he is the Elohim. The point is we never know when the devil will visit us and we're not on the earth just to enjoy ourselves. This is our recruitment period, do we want to be as angels? Do we want to wear a robe and a crown? Then we have to do this first: "Delight thyself also in the Adon; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Adon; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass." Psalms 37:4-5. Yahusha 

wants to give us eternal life, he says whosoever will, let him come, Paul said it as well, that if a man is weak, receive him, but not to doubtful disputations. Also, again it is written, in Hebrews 11:6, "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to Elohim must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Yahusha wants to make the changes within us, but first we have to truly believe in him and not just that, we must diligently seek him. What does seeking him diligently mean? It means that you're going to repent momentarily the sinful things of the flesh and retrain your soul to acquire a taste for righteousness. We (the flesh) must die as much as possible day by day until we get back to the heart of perfection. In developing the taste of righteousness -which I must add that we already have a natural thirst for justice, it's just that we don't know what it is- we must first, use the word (both the living word which is the Ruach Ha'Qodesh and the written word in the bible which are one in the same, except that one envelopes you and one is written down physically) to find out what is sin, mankind instinctively know the basics of what sin is, however there are technicalities that we are unaware of and that is what Satan uses to destroy us everyday. Let me give you an example: If I break into your house and take your furniture away, then this is onvious stealing. However, if I go into the fridge and I eat a small amount of your food without your permission, as long as I only barely disturb the amount, it might not seem like stealing to any of us, but it still is. According to the bible, just a little bit of leaven, leavens the whole lump. The devil uses this concept on children, doing what we would call 'small' sins that seem almost insignificant to us, but has a big impact on his developing heart. If we don't prepare our children for what is to come, by chastening them and showing them the word, then we are leaving them for dead. We have a responsibility to prepare ourselves for every decision that presents itself to us on a momentary basis and without studying the word and listening to the Ruach Ha'Qodesh, we will not be able discern between what is right and what is almost right. The devil isn't as dumb as people think he is, the fact is, since we naturally know what is generally good from bad, then it wouldn't be effective to blatantly present sin in front of us because we would outright reject it. Instead he primes us with using complicated situations, to present us with simple sinful tasks to solve these problems that might seem to not affect anything now, but in the long run will cause our destruction. There is no such thing as petty theft or a white lie, doing something on a large scale or small scale, doesn't change what it is, all sin is sin. Look at it this way, I eat unhealthy, little by little everyday, a tub of ice cream here, a box of fried chicken there and drinking my sodas, if I ever cook, I don't bother to do all this extensive preparation, it takes too long and I am hungry after all, exercise is too hard and I say vegetables are for animals. After a couple of years I start to develop complications, I go to the doctor, I find out, I'm overweight, I have diabetes and hypertension, so I will have to stop eating how I was eating and even less than what a healthy person could eat and it is extremely difficult for me to change even though it is a matter of life and death. This is the reality of sinners today, you see, nothing wasn't wrong with these foods by themselves, but firstly, they were not essential foods that needed to be consumed everyday, which is why they are referred to as junk food. Secondly, while eating large amounts of this type of food, I neglected the essential foods and exercise that were needed for my daily diet needs, because exercise was work and it was tiring and the healthy food didn't taste as sweet as the junk food, as well as some were just plain bitter. Thirdly, I didn't prepare the food that I cooked properly, other than cleaning out the insides, I neglected to remove the fatty parts that were unhealthy for me and I also didn't give enough time for it to be cooked, so the bone wasn't cooked properly. The bible says we can't approach life that way, Romans 12:11,"Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Adon."

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