(שְׁבַע-עֶשְׂרֵה) Own your identity

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Many believers treat conversion as if they were attaining an alter ego, what you need to understand is that you did not bury the old man in the water, just to rise again as the same person, but you died to be born again. Despite the fact that you might use the same body and the same name as before, but the inside has changed. Everything as you know it, is temporary, your physical attributes, your life here, will be just like a bad nightmare. Don't believe me? I have some scriptures to help us out. Oh, and just a point of information, if you get this whole conversion thing correct, trust me, even you yourself will start feeling like an alien in this world and start to question your entire existence.

Of a truth, most that call themselves converted are not. We still clamour to fit in, we still act like followers instead of leaders, we love wrongly and destroy our brothers and sisters. We continue to be stuck in idolatry. We are not identified by the religion Christianity, we are not identified by denominations, we are identified by Yahusha Ha'Mashiach, as engrafted Yasharelym, we are the qodeshim (set apart ones), all of us who believe in him. Psalms 4:3 says, "But know that YAHUWAH hath set apart him that is holy for himself: YAHUWAH will hear when I call unto him." The more closer I get to Aluhiym, the more disappointed I am sometimes in myself and even more so, in my believing counterparts. Look, I understand that it's not easy to give up everything you like and lose most relationships because of your faith. Being a leader has always been a lonely journey, but it is fulfilling and thinking about it, if something was physically affecting you that could cause death, then more than likely you would give it up to save your life. Your earthly life is miniscule to your soul, it is why you are required to suffer in the flesh. 1 Peter 4:1-2 expounds on this, "Forasmuch then as Mashiach hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of Aluhiym." We must recognize what our calling is and walk in it, it's either we want this life or the other, better one promised to us. 1 Peter 4:3-5 continues, "For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries: Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you: Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead." You don't need to be dismayed, because Yahuwah is the one making the separation, he wants us to be distinct according to Leviticus 20:26.

Yes, people will think of you as strange. Your heart will be broken many times, because of loved ones you've known your entire life misunderstanding you and starting to distance themselves from you, some will even become fierce and as 1st Peter says, they will speak evil of you and cut ties with you. Conversion has always been a bittersweet process that every now and then, there is another heartbreak, because many people who you have grown to love (because being a royal means you must love the people) will choose to stay at ground level and never come up and apart of loving people is learning to let go and respect their decisions. Honestly, it is one of the hardest things ever, let me share a true story with you: 'A couple of years ago, when I had just experienced the conviction of Aluhiym's word upon my heart, I had a beloved boyfriend. We were together for a very short time, but we were already in love with each other and I was never the one to start a relationship without taking it deadly serious. We had already started to plan for the future, but my untimely (lol) conversion caused a big shift in our plans. I told him that we could stay together, but we would have to marry and that he would have to start to attend my church and a lot of other stuff. Now, I had already mentally prepared for strong opposition knowing that this was a lot to throw suddenly on any one person and because I also knew his nature, but he surprised me. He said yes to everything I said, but I could see it was only on the surface and that hurt me more than anyone else could know. For the next couple of weeks, I watched as he went back on every decision he agreed to and I said nothing. I think the last thing he did that made me decide to leave was that I had started to abstain from sex, but he didn't and I loved him too much to say no. So, I at 21 years of age decided that I could not serve two masters anymore, it was driving me crazy, so I would break up with him. Our annual anniversary was in 4 weeks and I tried to meet up with him before that and he kept putting me off and I got more and more anxious, I didn't want to do it on the anniversary date, but I guess this was my test from Aluhiym; because if I didn't break up with him on that day, he would convince me to have sex with him again, I mean it was our anniversary after all and I just couldn't have that. So, I did the cruel deed on our anniversary, I told him, it was me and not him, then cried all the way home, thinking about all his family members and friends that I just broke up with as well.'

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