(שמונה) Raise children accordingly

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Royal children are not allowed to do as they please, but as soon as they are born, they should be exposed to only spiritually clean behaviours.

Every Royal wedding party must include a crop of children.

   Remember that this is a rule from the british royals. Let me put this in a spiritual way, every important meeting with Yahuah, children should be present. Whether it be the seventh day sabbath, feast days or baptism (marriage to Yahusha), children should be there to observe and learn Yahusha's ways. I never understand why a lot of people think it is ok to leave their child at home, when they come to the house of Yahuah. Most of us want the best for our children, but as natural persons we will get it wrong. Spiritual royalty must see to it that everyone is included when it comes to getting closer to Yahuah. Yahusha said in St. Matthew 19:14, "Suffer little children and forbid them not to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." What does this mean? It means to tolerate them and do not stop them from coming to his presence, for they (and saints like them) belong to the kingdom of heaven. 

A lot of people don't bring their children to church because we want to praise Yahusha unencumbered, but that is not the right way. Being married is the first responsibility, having children is the second and we can't just choose to be parents when we want to be and act childless when we want, the child did not ask to be here. Now, this child is here in this confounded world, you have the big responsibility to watch over him/her, the bible says in Deuteronomy 11:19, 'And ye shall teach them to your children, speaking of when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down and thou risest up.' This brings me to my next point...

As soon as children are born into the Royal family, they're immediately groomed to both wave and speak gracefully

    I am quite sure that when we want our children to learn earthly things like saying 'momma' or 'dada', ABC or 123, we start teaching from very early in the home and then off to kindergarten. We pay so much attention to getting these children through the natural learning, which includes the Primary and high school, but we neglect to nurture and build morale in the child by engaging him/her in spiritual learning. Spiritual royals must impart basic values and attitudes on children from baby stage, we must understand that teaching a child about Yahusha is even more important than teaching them about the world. If we go by what Deutoronomy 11:19 says, then we know that this is a constant thing, they should always be hearing the word from us, seeing it in our lifestyles and be encouraged by us daily. 

It is not enough to just bring a child to church and leave them to their own devices. Some of us seem to think that our child's learning solely depends upon the Sabbath school teacher, which is totally wrong. We are our children's first teachers, their first and biggest ro-models. Most of a child's development happens at home, most of the learning process happens there as well, so it's not as if we can shrug off our responsibilities. How does a family grow together? By doing things together; Social outings are good, yes, but the bible says bodily exercise only reaps small profits. Spiritual gatherings however, reap major benefits, because Yahusha says, 'Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them', St. Matthew 18:19-20. This is why it is important to pray together with our children, read our bible along with them and discuss the word with them.

When we bring a child to Sabbath school or we have them read the bible with us at home, we must enquire to see what is it really that they understand from what they were taught or from what they have read. It is not enough to dictate to a child that he/she must love Yahusha, because if there is one thing I've learnt about children is that they don't necessarily like to do things without a reason, most times they want a reason. We have to explain why we, ourselves love Yahuah, because quoting scriptures alone, doesn't make it clear. The child needs to know that you find delight in the word and that you're not doing it out of obligation. Even when trying to get a sinner to convert, you will have to be a witness for the greatness of Yahuah, you can only connect to a person by getting personal. We cannot relate to a child without personal experiences, proof of Yahusha's power over our lives. Our lifestyle will be our prime example. Once the child sees that you have a personal relationship with Yahusha and that it keeps you going and happy, then the child will be attracted to that and will want to know more about it. 

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