(שלש) Royal diet

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Good food is a requirement for health and wellness, so Royals have to take care, what we eat. The Royals at Buckingham palace exclude shellfish (because of high probability of food poisoning), potatoes and rice from their diet.

As spiritual royals, we also have things that are required to be excluded from our earthly diet according to Leviticus 20:25-26 & Leviticus 11:1-23, so that this body of ours stays stronger for longer.

Let's get into some of the reasons why. I know we like to try new things and explore, but for a Royal, restraint is an integral part of your reign. Some things are just not for us and these rules were not made to prohibit us, but to ensure our longevity. Some religious groups have come to the conclusion that these food laws were abolished, but in every kingdom and religion there is a specific diet set out to achieve health not just in physical health, but in spirituality.

As I pointed out earlier, the queen of England has her own rules about certain food, that the household of royals must obey. Yahuwah also has his own rules about things that he would not like us to ingest inside our holy temples which houses our spirit. Hebrews 10:5 says 'wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me'. Yahuwah does not change, what he says, he means and what he means he says; It is impossible for Aluhiym to lie. The list displayed in Leviticus 23, is not for any set religion, but it is for all of us. Truth be told, the benefits of this diet-taken in the right proportions-accompanied with exercise can only be proven by a long-term observation which most of you don't really care for.

The fact is, we are peculiar people, so every minute characteristic must be so unique that no one should be able to deny who we truly are. With that said, we cannot eat common people food, a lot of the things that we deem as a delicacy and we waste so much on in restaurants are for peasants. The things that are good for us however, we shun and we throw them away. It continues to get worse throughout our generations, we die quicker and if we live long, we are afflicted with diseases or obesity.

I used to eat these things, loved the taste, but after seeing in the bible that it should not be eaten and did actual scientific research, the facts curdled my stomach and they didn't seem all that appetizing anymore. You're probably here reading and think I'm being melodramatic, but let me point out that history doesn't lie. Let's look at your beloved Lobster, do you really think that it's something special? In the past, it was never so. Actually people referred to them as insects because they were so ugly, novody really wanted to eat them. In an article from 2014, by Erica Schecter wrote about lobsters as poor people food and also another article by Amilin McClure at spoon University says:

"Lobster was also known as the poor man's meal because the overabundance of these guys made it easy for people with no money to get their protein. In fact, these crustaceans were fed to prisoners, apprentices and slaves."

So there... Your so-called delicacy wasn't worth anything back then. Crustaceans are just sea insects (literally). It's weird how we feel so grossed out by people who live in the east when they eat scorpions and spiders, but here we are in the west eating oceanic versions of those same creatures.

Satan has us turned inside out so badly, it's not even funny. Do you know why shrimp and crawfish are referred to as a sea cockroach? They are the same; Shrimps are bottom dwellers who feed on parasites and skin (and anything they find) that they pick off dead animals. This means that every mouthful of scampi you eat comes with digested parasites and dead skin. Lobsters and crabs do the same job of cleaning every mess in the sea. Yahuwah's own garbage collectors! So when you release waste and more than likely, it ends up into the sea, they ingest it and voila! The sea is clean again. Shell fishes as a whole are scavengers and so are most of the other animals on the unclean list. Don't you see? Spiritual royals cannot eat common food, even worse, by less than amicable animals... scavengers.

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