(אחת) Introduction

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Hello there, so after accepting Yahusha (popularly known as Jesus), have you been selling yourself short? I mean have you really made any changes in your life? In your attitude? Do you dress the same? How do you treat people? Here thinking that you have been doing just fine? How so? The bible says if any man be in Yahusha, he is a new creature. You can't be a new creature if no one can see it! Whatever is in the inside shows on the out, so if you have repented, baptized and fully submitted yourself to Aluhiym (God) and nothing celestial is happening with you, then something is wrong, you skipped a step somewhere.

What we're getting at, is that a bastard acts differently from a pure blood. A bastard will always have at the back of his/her mind that part of him/her belongs to someone else and will blame every misfortune on the other person instead of fixing what is going on inside of them. They will be wanton, self-indulgent and rebellious. In the world today we are suffering from an identity crisis, where we act like we're bastards, no sense of direction, no roots and no growth. While we claim to profess Yahusha and say the prayer, 'Our father who art in heaven', the way we talk, walk, dress and our general attitude towards people and life says we are descendants of a different family. 

So... here we are, where we are at a place of being common, bland, vain and destitute of purpose. There is so much emphasis in the modern world about 'fitting in' and we misuse Paul's phrase when he says he became all things... When Paul said this, he meant he put his mind in the person's position to understand this person's way of thinking, so he'd know how to go about preaching the gospel to this person or set of persons. He did not change his lifestyle and condescend to people's opinions to be more relatable. A lot of times, we as Yahuah's servants let people pull us down to their level, instead of us picking people up of the ground. Many people do not feel good if we're not suffering like them, if we're not making mistakes like them and it is worst if the both of you are coming from the same place. This is why Nazareth didn't welcome Yahusha. The world has this 'crabs in a barrel' attitude where they're not trying to come up to our level, it's just not their thing, it's easier down there, so if we want to stay up here all holy, they're telling us we can just get out of their faces. 

Some of us misplace our sympathy and waste too much time on people who are fine being a servant to sin. These people are never going to like you or what you're about, most times they are just around for the free ride (exploiting your kindness). Some will stick around just to see you fall, so that they can be satisfied with their derogatory lifestyle. Showing love isn't about getting everyone to like you and the job of saving souls isn't about chasing people all the time, telling them about Elohim. The bible says to let every man be convinced in his own mind. I don't know why we can't follow Yahusha's lifestyle and make our work lighter. 

Going into this book, we will be elaborating more about what is expected of us as royals using both natural and bible references. How we stand before Yahuah (The name of Elohim) is very important to him and us. He looks at us as princes and princesses, his precious treasure. We are his royal priesthood, he said we will even judge angels, we need stop acting less than our Ancestors, hold fast on our inheritance (which is Yahuah) and start remembering our calling. Let's learn how to stand out for Yahuah by using his written instructions as guidelines.

My prayer for you all is: Ephesians 1:17-19, 'That the Elohim of our Adon Yahusha Ha'mashiach, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power.'

In Revelation 3:9-11 it says, "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy CROWN."

************1 Peter 2:1-9************

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