CHAPTER 16 - Cold Heart

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Andrew seems missing in action, he didn't even call or texted me. It's annoying that he doesn't even care that someone is waiting for his message

 It's annoying that he doesn't even care that someone is waiting for his message

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I feel like stupid staring at my cellphone, hoping his name appears in my phone.

Tomorrow I will go to his house, i will check on him. Maybe he just have an emergency.

When I went to Andrew's condo unit I did not expect to see him with another woman in the pool area.

They are so sweet to each other, it seems like I have never seen Andrew staring at me like he was staring at that woman

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They are so sweet to each other, it seems like I have never seen Andrew staring at me like he was staring at that woman.

The pain is too much, Am i the first one before that woman or her ?. I hid on the side so they could not see me, I heard them talking.

Andrew: Happy 2nd Anniversary Sweety.

Eunice: Happy Anniversary Sweety.

Andrew: (He put Eunice hair at the back of her ear) I've been such a fool, 2 months not being with you is like a year.

Eunice: I'm sorry if i broke up with you, but now we're here, i wasted 2 months of my life without you.

When i heard that, it made me realize that Andrew just used me for fun, so he can forget her even just for a short moment. I just went home, i didn't show up to them.

When the weekend came, Andrew also showed up for me. But he is already breaking up with me.

Andrew: I'm sorry if i was missing in action lately.

Andrew: I'm sorry if i was missing in action lately

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