*CRACK* *CRACK* *CRACK* *Shatter*

My cleaver broke into tiny pieces but I succeeded in pushing Whitebeard back. I soru-ed back to the arm where the utility knife was still buried and continued.

Me: Cure *Kitchen term for purifying with salt*

Whitebeard groaned as salt appeared in his wounds and the moisture from his wound made it even worse. As I took out my knife, his left arm dangled from the side as the nerves that held it together were sliced as well.

Newgate: Gurararara!! You have a dangerous Devil Fruit there missy! I could feel the weakness in my limbs right now!

Marco: Pops!!!!

Me: *huff* *huff* It comes with its share of consequences. There is no such thing as a perfect Devil Fruit.

Newgate: Perhaps. But I think fighting you any longer will be too dangerous for both myself and this ship.

Me: You'll let me go?

I sounded a little more hopeful than I wanted to sound.

Newgate: No, I'll end this now. *Tenchi Meido*

For a moment I was in confusion as the ground disappeared under me until I realized that the ocean itself was pushed down for me to lose my ground. As I looked back up, a black blade covered in the white spear was headed straight for my face.

Me: *Pan Flip*

Up became down as Whitebeard was suddenly aiming at my feet I easily dodged but not before doing another thing.

Me: Grill Press

As if a massive invisible (giant) spatula was pressed against Whitebeard, his face crashed into the deck of the Moby Dick with so much force that a whole was formed...and that was made of Adam Wood.

Me: How hard is your head old man? Jones! You didn't even cover it with haki.

Newgate: I head butted away Garp's fist with this head of mine. It can take a few hits, not to mention your cotton candy fists.

Behind me, I saw the other commanders rush back onto the ship in order to fight me despite Whitebeard's warning. Perhaps it was because they didn't expect me to fight this well against Whitebeard.

As the commanders rushed me, I didn't have time to face them. Whitebeard was getting up again.

Marco: You don't harm Pops like that!

Me: Blend

The division commanders were pulled together not in their own will before being rolled together all over the deck and back down into the ocean below. There were a few who managed to avoid the skill though.


As I dodged an incoming bullet, Whitebeard got back up onto his feet and raised his Bisento again. His expression showing that he was fine despite the many wounds across his body.

Me: Old man! Let me go! You can't hit me and I can't beat you. I promise I'll kill your sons if you keep this up!

Newgate: You are on My Ship. You can't leave as you please!


The bisento crushed the through the deck and the shockwave shattered the floor below that as well.

Me: Let me go before I kill one of your sons! I swear I am capable of doing so!

Newgate: Killing them would just mean you signed your own death sentence brat! I Know you're not stupid enough to do that.

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