Nick "What I have to."

He picked up the angel blade and cut the devil's trap.

Mary "No, Nick!"

Sam "No!"

Abraxas stood up and threw us all back"Showtime."

He turned to Nick"You want to know why I gutted your family? Orders. I was following orders."

Nick "From who?"

Abraxas "Who do you think? Lucifer planned the whole thing."

Nick asked confused "I don't – I don't understand. Why my family? Why – why me?"

Abraxas "No particular reason. You were chosen, but you're not special. We threw a dart at the phone book."

Dean got up from the ground "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica –"

Abraxas turned to him "Naughty"

Then he threw him back"So... who dies first?"

Nick grabbed Abraxas from the back of his neck and stabbed his chest with the angel blade. 

The orange light flickers as Abraxas screamed. Nick took the angel blade out. Abraxas fell to the floor, dead.

Me "Nick. Nick, take it easy."

Mary walked toward Nick. He tried to swing the angel blade at her, but a gunshot rang out, the bullet hitting his leg. 

Donna got up. 

Mary punched, knocking him out.

Next day. morning. At the cabin. 

Donna had arrested Nick. 

Mary walked over to me. 

I turned to her. 

Mary "i won't apologize for what i did. i was doing it to protect my son"

I nodded "i know. "

Mary "i thought you were bad for him and that's why i did it"

I shook my head "that's not why you did it"

Mary eyed me "oh really?"

I nodded "mhmm. You hate me...but not because i am crossbreed. you hated me since the moment Dean told you about me. You hate me because i know your boys better than you. Because i've been there for your boys when you couldn't. I know them better and longer than you- their own mother does. and that fact makes your skin crawl from jealousy. "

Mary looked down.

I shook my head "i don't want an apology. i don't want your blessing either - Hell, i couldn't care less if you're gonna give us your blessing or not. but what i care about it Dean. And i know that you are only talking to me because you love him. I am fine with that. As long as you know that i am only having this conversation with you because i love him too"

She looked at me. 

Me "we don't have to like each other. I love your boys, they amazing. And you love your boys too. That's what we have in common. And that's the only reason why you and i are going to accept each other. Deal?"

Mary nodded "Deal"

I nodded "okay. good"

Then i walked to the door. 

Mary "Elena"

I turned to her. 

Mary "you should talk to Dean"

I looked at her confused. 

Mary "he might need you now more than you think he does"

I nodded "okay. thank you"

She nodded. 

at the barn. 

Dean "It's a Ma'lak box."

He closed the door of the box"Secured and warded. Once inside... nothing gets out, not even an archangel. Especially an archangel."

I nodded "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've – I've read about these, but – but no one's ever – they're impossible to build."

Dean "Yeah, well, not so much."

I froze "wait?That's your plan? You want to be buried alive?"

Dean "Buried's not safe enough. Plan is, pay a little hush money, charter a boat to take me out to the Pacific. Splash."

I scoffed, shaking my head "You and Michael, trapped together – for eternity?"

He nodded "Yes"

Me "You do realize how insane this is, right?"

Dean "It's the only sane play I've got. Michael gets out, that's it for this world. And he will get out."

Me "Well, how do you know that for sure?"

Dean "Because I do. Because I can feel him in my head. That door is giving. I can feel it giving."

Me "But there has to be another way."

Dean shook his head "There's not, okay? There – Elena, you've tried. Cas has tried. Sam has tried. Jack... And I love you for trying. But none of it's gonna work."

I shook my head "We don't know that."

He nodded "Yeah, we do."

I asked confused "what?"

Dean "Billie."

I asked confused "Billie?"

Dena nodded "She paid me a little visit. She said that there's only one way this ends right. And this is it. This, right here, this box. So, she gave up the special recipe, and all I had to do was the work. It's fate."

I asked irritated "Since when do we believe in fate?"

Dean "Now, Elena. Since now."

I shook my head "So... you came out here to see Donna, to see Mary on some – some what? Some sick, secret farewell tour? You were gonna leave, and you weren't even gonna tell Sam. Or me. Me, Dean. Do you realize how messed up that is? "

Then i asked hurt " how unfair that is?"

Dean "I didn't have a choice! Elena, you're the last person I could tell, the last person I could be around, 'cause you're the only one that could've talked me out of it. And I won't talked out of it. I won't. I'm doing this. Now, you can either let me do it alone... or you could help me. But I'm doing this."

I shook my head and looked away, in tears. 

Being Alive ( D.W)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora