Chapter Twenty Two - Ascension To The Throne

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Im sorry for the time it took me to update, I had some kinda busy months, but I'll try to update at least twice in December!

Have a good reading y'all xoxo

Saturday night. The snow was weak outside Marceline's window. The white flakes swirled in the air before falling onto the balcony, slowly forming a carpet on the floor.

The sky was heavy with huge gray clouds, and it seemed that at any moment it would fall on the city. The climate was dense, scary.

If Marceline were to choose something to describe her mood, it would be totally contrary to the New York sky that night.

She was sitting on a puff inside the room, watching the snow with a silly smile on her lips, when something caught her attention. A hand appeared on the side of the balcony railing, nails painted a pastel blue. Then the top of the pink hood, and finally Bonnibel's face, reddened by the friction of the icy wind, as she climbed the fire escape.

Marceline opened the glass door and hurried to get the girl into the room, laughing. She could have come in through the front door, but let's face it: it wouldn't have the same taste of something wrong, in the middle of the night.

"Hi" - said Bonnibel, when the two were already in the heat of the room. "I missed you."

"You had dinner here a few hours ago, Bonnibel." - she said, rolling her eyes, but with a little smile.

"So?" - was the other girl's reply, with the same smile, her eyebrow raised.

There was no response time for Marceline, with Bonnibel's hand in the hair on the back of her neck, pulling her into a kiss. The two walked backwards until they fell on the bed.

The house was absolutely silent until then. Megan had left shortly after dinner with Bonnibel - who should have gained a few extra pounds of weight with the number of dishes served - where she was filling the girl with questions, offering her roof whenever necessary, since Bonnibel's parents would not be exactly  receptive to the news, and so many other attentions that made Marceline kindly ask her mother to shut up. Marshall was out with Bongo and Guy. The silence didn't last long.

Marceline's hands were nimble and hurried as they stripped off Bonnibel's coat layers, until he was only on a shirt.

It was the black t-shirt with the punk art that Marceline had given her.

"You never wore that before," whispered Marceline, her cheeks turning red.

"Are you kidding? It's my pajamas, I wear them every night" - she said, a smile so sweet it was like sugar dripping from the corners of her lips. "But I had to come with her because... well, your scent is starting to come out of it."

"I could make a joke about how extremely gay this is, but I think I'll just let it go" - said Marceline, making the other girl laugh lightly. Bonnibel's laugh died on a sigh when she felt the other woman's hand slip inside her shirt.

They kissed again, and it was different than every other time. Marceline's mouth moved down her neck with care, the hand that went up to her breasts was gentle. Bonnibel took a deep breath, one hand lost in her hair, the other running up her back, with only the tips of her nails, making Marceline shiver.

Gradually and with the same care, the other pieces of clothing were dispensed. Now it was just them, their skins and their hearts open.

Marceline retraced that path that she had learned to adore: from the earlobe to the cheek, from there to the lips, sucking on them until she felt Bonnibel sigh, then down her neck.

Bittersweet - Bubbline AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें