Chapter Nine - It's... Party Time!

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One more chapter! I'll try to post all the four today, but if not possible I'll be ending tomorrow.

Enjoy the chapter, good read? xoxo

God. She felt exposed.

Bonnibell walked into the party, Finn and Jake right behind her. Hayley and Lucy had already run ahead, frenetic to greet their friends and drink from their glasses.

She approached a group of well-known people, cheerios and boys from the football team. They caught sight of her and soon the compliments began.  One of the girls approached, took her hand and made her go a turn around herself, showing off the look completely.

She looked like a goddess.

A movement took place behind her, which made her turn. It was Marceline, coming towards her with Priscilla straight ahead.

Marceline wore a black tank top, with a red mouth drawn, a drop of blood running down the corner.  Accompanying it, she wore a pleated skirt, black and gray plaid. On her feet, a medium-length black all star.

Her strong eyes was even more marked by black makeup, well smoked. The lips had a blood red lipstick, dark and dense.

In her own way, the girl was also amazing.

"Hey, you're finally here!", said Priscilla, totally wonderful in her shiny purple dress, her makeup very light to balance, her afro hair perfectly worked. Marceline came close behind, first greeting Finn and Jake (who had already won her friendship), and giving Hayley and Lucy a long-distance wave.  She clearly still didn't like very much either of the two. Then she turned to greet Bonnibell.

"Hey, Bonnibell. I thought you'd never arrive!", said the girl, leaning over and kissing the other girl on the cheek. Bonnibell was startled at first, but as soon as she felt Marceline's slightly alcoholic breath, she let it go.

"It took me a while to get ready", she replied, with a small shrug.

"And the result justifies every second of delay!", said a girl from the circle, a cheerleader. She was small and thin, medium brown hair not very innovative, green eyes, very white skin. So, so into the beauty standard, that Marceline barely took two seconds of her time to analyze the girl.  "Look at her, guys! I've never seen Bonnie look so beautiful!"

"Yeah, nothing bad, Bonnibell" replied Marceline, looking over the girl's production and giving a slight smile. Then she asked if the newcomers would like to drink something, and upon acceptance, went in search of alcohol. Bonnibell offered  to help, following right behind her.

Inside, the girl was a little disappointed by Marceline's lack of reaction, but she couldn't quite say why.  Perhaps because that could mean that she was not in the level to compete with the other girl within her own space, and that despite her efforts, that was Marceline's night.  But the truth was, that concern was much more of her friends than her own, and she couldn't say why she cared about the other girl's approval.

The thing is that Marceline's unimpressed reaction was forged.  In fact, her jaw had dropped as soon as the girl set foot in the party, and she was struggling to keep her jaw closed.  She couldn't deny to herself that the girl was attractive.  And she was irritated to find that, because she was never impressed with the manufactured beauty of white, patterned girls. One thing Marceline had learned from Priscilla, a girl who had struggled to learn to love her fat black body, is that admiring the beauty that fits the imposed pattern is dangerous. It can generate envy.  Envy breeds a crisis of self-love. Lack of self-love makes you want to change to be like them. When you change to be like them, you erase your identity.

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