Chapter Thirty Two - One Foot In The Cradle, And One In The Grave

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Last one for today! I'll be back tomorrow with more.

Good reading!

Representants of the student committee were gathered in the library. The atmosphere was, to say the least, tense.

Marceline and Bonnibel entered last, each sitting at one end of the table. Both had their eyes locked on the same person. A blonde girl sitting in the center of the table on the right side. Her blue eyes darted between the girls with mounting anxiety. And she had reasons for that.

Bonnibel was staring at her sternly, her posture straight and very serious, almost as if she were ready to have her head cut off.

Marceline had her elbows on the table, her fingers crossed, and she was staring at the girl as if she was ready to fly into her neck.

"Audrey Macbeth, president of the Bible Studies Club, right?" asked Bonnibel.


"Could you give us a good explanation about it, please?" Marceline said, in a tone of voice that was intended to be calm, but it sounded menacing. She placed a flyer in front of the girl without much kindness.

The girl swallowed hard.

"I know it may seem bullshit, but I have nothing to do with it."

Marceline and Bonnibel exchanged a look of arched eyebrows, and then went back to looking at her with the same expression. The rest of those present didn't look too convinced either.

"Look, some people from the club presented me the idea and I automatically turned it down, because it's absurd. And even if I was crazy enough to agree, it would never get approved by the student committee because, come on, the president is a lesbian-"

"Bisexual," cut Bonnibel, looking slightly angrier than she ever had before.

"Sorry," replied Audrey, taking a deep breath before continuing. "The president of the committee is bisexual, so this would never be approved. It's just that some of them have teamed up to do this outside the school's domains, and I can't stop them from inviting students to an event outside of school that technically isn't directly linked to the club."

Everyone was silent for a few moments. Marcy and Bonnie eased their postures a little. Finn and Priscilla exchanged worried looks.

"Okay, sorry for the pressure, Audrey" Marceline said, much milder this time. "Do you know who's organizing this?"

"Not exactly, but I can give the names of the members who came up with the idea. They may not be the organizers, but they're definitely involved,"  She replied, looking more relaxed. "I just want to make it clear that I don't agree with this one bit. It's ridiculous and inhumane, and I don't agree with anyone using my faith like that. If you have something in mind to stop this, I'm happy to help. But I don't know to what extent we can intervene in this."

"We'd appreciate it if you could help at least with these names, Audrey. And again, sorry for the unnecessary pressure," Bonnibel replied, looking a little tired now.

The meeting went on for another half hour before everyone was dismissed. They couldn't come up with any great ideas, and it felt like their hands were tied. Bonnibel and Marceline walked together toward the lockers.

"It's not possible that we don't have a fucking second of peace" Bonnibel muttered, brushing a strand of hair out of her eyes.

"Welcome to the LGBTQ+ community, Miss Dirt Mouth" Marceline replied, with a certain sneer in her voice. "We are in zero days at peace. Our record is zero days."

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