Chapter Eighteen - Alive, In Spite Of Me

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I'm back, little ones.

I would like to say here that this chapter is extremely important to me, as far as Everything Stays. I already had this event in history in mind, a little later, but given what happened recently, I believe that there is no better time than now to use my platform.

This chapter represents reality. In fact, the reality is even worse. Remember that. Listen to what black people around you have to say, empathize with their stories.  Their lives matter. Some of you may be too young to act now, but nothing prevents you from being aware.

Let's go to the chapter.  Good reading!  xoxo

Marshall Lee already knew the reason for his sister's silly smiles and humorous days, but there was something different about those last few days. She was really radiant this time. She seemed rested, at peace, as she hadn't been since... Well, a long time ago.

And it felt like something continuous this time, not momentaneous. It was well over four days since his sister was in that mood, eating at least two full meals every day, attending all classes. She didn't drink not even for a day, and she didn't even smoke so often.

It was rehearsal day, and they were in the studio at Marceline and Marshall's. Marceline was next to Bongo, who was in front of a synthesizer, trying to get the notes of the music to be played. Marshall tuned the guitar next to Guy, watching his sister.

"You noticed it too, right?" - said Guy, realizing where his friend was looking at.

"Of course I did. She's... shining. Does that make sense? I don't know, but I haven't seen her in that mood for three years, Guy. And that bitch doesn't tell me what happened."

"Did you ask her?" - he said, laughing at Marshall's frustration at his sister's silence.

"Yeah, but she said it's nothing. That she just woke up feeling good. When I insist on the subject, she tells me to fuck off" - he mutters, irritated. The truth is that he has the same impulsive and reserved personality. But you won't want to discuss this with him.

Guy just laughed. He knew his friend, knew there was no point in pressuring her. Sometimes she was up to something and didn't want to be discovered before the right moment. Others, she just wanted to enjoy a good moment a little, to enjoy the taste of a victory in silence. They knew she didn't have many. They didn't judge her.

When Bongo was satisfied with the results on the synthesizer, they organized to play. Marceline sat down in front of a microphone, her bass in her lap, cheerful. She waited for her friends to fix in, and when the instrumental started, she looked more radiant than ever.

How lucky I feel
To be in my body again
How lovely I feel
Not to have to pretend
Shocking to feel
A positive charge
Innocuous thrill
Big invisible spark (hmm)

When Marceline asked to record a cover for that song, her friends were amazed. Since the release of that album, this was a track that she avoided.

She admired it  artistically, but she couldn't connect with the positivism of the lyrics. But now the words came out of her with truth, as if they were a war hymn. Something had definitely changed.

You wanna look inside of me?
And just watch me bloom
You only got one side of me
Here's something new, ah
I'm alive in spite of me
And I'm on the move
So come and look inside of me
Watch me while I bloom, ah
Wanna look inside of me
And just watch me bloom
You only got one side of me
Here's something new, ah
I'm alive in spite of me
And I'm on the move
So come and look inside of me
Watch me while I bloom, ah

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