Chapter Seventeen - Under Her Touch

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I'm back!

Did I took too long?  I hope not hehe

Today y'all don't need to get to worry about crying. But I recommend that you take the kids out of the room and don't read it near your parents :)

Without further ado, let's move on to the chapter.

Good reading!  xoxo


When Bonnibel stepped into the box, she noticed that Marceline was no longer outside, and the door to the attached room was open.

She was tense, euphoric, scared, anxious, content, desperate. All at once. Her hands were shaking.

When she entered the annex, Marceline was reaching for her purse and cell phone, as if she were getting ready to leave. Bonnibel couldn't understand.

"Uh... can you tell me what's going on?"

"I'll take you to my house."

"Why? There's a mattress right here" - she said, pointing confusedly at the mattress beside them.

"Because I refuse to make you have your first time in a little corner room in the middle of a party with a bunch of drunk gays and dykes. We'll do it right" - replied Marceline, giving her a kiss on the forehead before going  to the door and close it. Bonnibel struggled in vain against the blood that rose to her cheeks.

"Because you wished that it went way with you" - said Bonnibel, softly, when Marceline approached again.

"Yeah, kinda" - said Marceline.

Taking the other by the hand, she left through another door, which connected that room directly to another exit from the club. Her motorcycle was parked nearby. This time Bonnie rode without complaint, in ecstasy.

Her stomach felt weird, mixed with all the things she was feeling. On the road, with her hugging Marceline's waist, a doubt grew in Bonnibel's chest.




Marceline knew very well what she was talking about.

"'Cause... I'm not afraid to ruin everything anymore. And 'cause you're way too beautiful for me to resist."

"You hook up with girls much cutter than me" - she said, burying her face in Marceline's shoulder.

"If you only knew how angry I feel when you say that" - muttered Marceline, making the other laugh. "You have no idea how gorgeous you are."

Bonnibel thanked the universe for Marceline not being able to see the red in her cheeks.

Within minutes they were at Marceline's home. They hurried up the stairs, but it was when they entered her room that the reality of what was about to happen fell on Bonnibel, and she locked in place.

Marceline left her bag in a corner with her jacket. Then she left Bonnibel's by the side and gently helped her out of the thick jacket. That was when she noticed the nervousness in the girl's eyes.

"Are you good, Bon?"

"Yes. I just... I got nervous, I guess" - she said, quietly, and then covering her face in embarrassment.

Marceline let out a soft laugh, and then wrapped her arms gently around the girl.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to, Bonnibel."

Bittersweet - Bubbline AUKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat