Chapter Thirty Five - Too Much Things, Too Little Time

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Almost ending. I'm gonna cry.

Good reading!

The second semester of that year wore out too quickly. Or at the exact time. None of them could say precisely.

Maybe Marceline could say it better. The world looked a little messed up, the natural order looked messed up. Before, there was the need to go out collecting crumbs of joy along the way, the feeling was of trying to build a sand castle only to see the sea take it the second she finished raising the first tower.

And now she kept having to rearrange time, because she had too much happening at the same time, things piling up.

She needed to be present in the studio, to shape the concept of what maybe would forever be her most sensitive work, and the feeling of spending hours on end in that cold room going over lyrics after lyrics, chord after chord, could be exhausting if it weren't so electrifying.

And in the midst of that, she needed to get away at some point, accelerate her bike almost to the allowed limit to get to Simon's building in time and play him the last song she'd done, and would most likely be discarded from the album. After all, it wouldn't pass with more than 50 songs.

And at some point she had to be at a bowling alley or park or restaurant with Hunson, hearing some more stories about him or her mother or their origin country, and as much as some of them might hurt, what prevailed was the feeling of history recovered, as if at least one of the pieces of her that seemed forever lost had found its way back to her.

And when she got home, she needed the energy to drag Bonnie to her bike, ride to the High Line, climb into the private garden, and stand there, watching the night fall over the city. She liked to notice the difference between the two totally lost girls who had sat there for the first time compared to the two who at least knew where they were going now.

When vacations arrived, the first month was devoted to the work of finishing Bonnie's room. When ready, it looked a lot like the one she had at her parents' house. For a moment, she felt uneasy at the thought that she would only have one more year to stay here before graduating and then starting her own life.

When everything was ready, and after whining a lot about a break in the recordings, Marceline had an idea in her head.

She wanted to travel to Brazil.

And Megan was really bad at saying no to her.

Then, in early July, Megan was on a plane, responsible for a too large group of teenagers, with only Hunson's support not to freak out.

"It can't be that bad, can it?"  he asked at some point in the departure lounge, when she let out a long sigh watching the group talking out loud as they looked over a travel itinerary.

"Do you think they're too fussy in the studio? Wait till you see them unleashed in the midst of a billion new things. Just to let you know, Marceline is way more foul-mouthed in her mother language."

And the trip was pretty smooth. If you don't consider the time Marceline and Marshall almost managed to organize a collective escape through the hotel's fire escapes because they heard about a 'baile funk' a few (many) kilometers away. Or the time Marceline forgot she wasn't in the United States and started cursing a rude shop assistant in Portuguese. Or the time Kevin rented Megan's ears for an hour straight about how he missed Marshall (even though the decision to cut off the colorful part of their friendship had been joint). Or when Keila got in trouble for flirting with the room service guy, clearly drunk. Or the time Marshall got into a fight on the beach with a random guy, and Megan didn't know if she was afraid he'd end up at the hospital or the police station for sending the guy there. Or the time Bonnie got into a cab back to the hotel because she was pretty sure she saw Marceline looking at another girl, but ended up in a completely random place because the driver didn't speak English very well. Or the time...

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