Chapter Ten - Looking for Bonnibel

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Here we go with one more chapter!

Enjoy your reading xoxo

A week after the party, things seemed to go as expected. Marceline already felt a certain difference in the treatment of other students with her.  What used to be sideways glances and whispers through the halls have now turned into greetings from the halls and questions about when the next party would be.  Now, she had a reputation of being a party girl, funny. The kind of person who might set up a prank at school just for fun.  That was not exactly the idea of ​​the “school revolution” that she had in mind, but she would be content with that if it meant having general support.

With all these questions in mind, now she and Keila were meeting in the library to devise a plan for the next steps. The rest of the band was busy organizing the Black History Awareness Week - at least they had obtained the necessary permits, and the organization of the event was going full steam ahead.

“Okay, what we do know is: they like you, but not necessarily the idea of ​​being educated about their own prejudices. So, at first it must look like something fun, a prank”, said Keila, the notebook open in front of her.  They had already considered some possibilities of serious, imposing protest, but the reality is it was still almost impossible to convince those teenagers to engage in an argument that did not directly concern them, unless it sounded fun.

“I think more than that, it need to look audacious. As if we were provoking, challenging the school in some way.  Something like 'right, you don't want to hear us? So we will not listen to you'.  These people love a chance to go against images of authority” replied Marceline thoughtfully.

“You're right". There was silence for a few moments, until Keila had an idea.  "I already know. We do an 'change your gender' day.” (author's note on the comments of this paragraph)


“'Change your gender' day.  Boys come with clothes seen as feminine, make up on, and girls come with clothes seen as masculine. The club stays in charge of spreading protest posters.  Something like “Being trans is more than wearing clothes designed for another gender.  We will not accept that they are treated as people in costume. Their rights matter”.  Straight cis students won't pay much attention to the protest itself, but I bet they'll love doing something that irritates the direction deeply. And you know, they can't suspend the whole school. It's perfect!"

“Keila Mills, you are the fucking love of my life ”- said Marceline, making Keila laugh.  - “It is a strong plan.  Once we have the necessary permission, we can focus on a more serious event.  For now, a good-humored mess is enough to make the director understand that we will not be silent. ”

Once the decision was made, the two began to design how the idea would be executed, who would be in charge of the posters and pamphlets, what would be the best day to do the “prank”, how they would spread the news.

During this planning, they hear the library door open up with a slight creak and look towards the place, seeing Bonnibel enter accompanied by Finn and Jake.  Smiling, Marceline waves to them, calling them to her table.

“Hey, girls! I hardly saw you guys after the party! ”, Finn said, greeting the two with kisses on the cheek.

“Yeah, it was a hard week. I think I already delivered about three essays of different classes ”, said Keila, with a roll of her eyes.

"They will fuck us over until the Christmas recess", said Jake, with a slight shake of his head.

"Oh, it's not that bad, guys" - said Bonnibel, who was already taking a book out of her bag that she needed to read for her English class.

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