Chapter 37

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I stopped talking as I felt a cold sharp object against my neck. What do I do?

"Don't scream or I'll slit your throat open" She said as pressed the blade against my skin. "Come with us if you don't want them to follow your husband"

"What do you want" I asked as I let Kirby jump down.  "Olivia" 

"I want my revenge" She replied as she pushed me to walk outside and into a black van. "So be ready for it" she giggled before placing a handkerchief over my mouth. I soon felt drowsy and blacked out. 

I woke up inside a room with two men guarding the door. I leaned back as I felt my head ache. 

"Awake?" I hear Olivia say. I groaned as I realized my hands were tied back and my feet were tied to the chair. 

"do I look asleep to you?" I asked as I rolled my eyes "What is this? What exactly are you mad at me for?" 

"Ever since we got into that fight, my dad took everything away from me and gave everything to my sister..." She replied "If you didn't interrupt my moment with Jin, I shouldn't have ended like this."

Right, she looks rough right now too. She looks skinnier and it seems like she isn't sleeping well. 

"Uh why wouldn't I be mad if MY HUSBAND was being forced to kiss some girl who he doesn't even care about?" I replied "Olivia, you're being too delusional. You did this to yourself, if you didn't-"

"SHUT UP!" She exclaimed. I sighed and rolled my eyes. What even is this bullshit? "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT. I AM NOT JUST SOME GIRL, I'VE BEEN CLOSE WITH HIM UNTIL YOU CAME ALONG"

"my god" I chuckled. "You need serious help. You're going crazy Olivia" 

"No matter what..." She said as she walked towards me and bent down "I'm going to get everything back, especially Jin. I'll do everything to make him mine..."

"Yeah, keep on dreaming coocoo head" I sighed "Jin doesn't give a damn about you or what happens with your life. You brought this upon yourself-"

"I SAID SHUT UP" She said before she shot my right leg. I screamed in pain, tears forming at the corner of my eyes. 

"You're fucking sick!" I screamed as I breathed heavily "When I get out of here you're going to jail. I'll make sure of it. And when Jin finds out you're behind all this, your father will definitely disown you"

"That's if...You'll make it out alive" She said as she pulled my hair back. "because I'm going to make sure you suffer to death" She grinned before she walked out of the room. 

I sighed and leaned back against the chair. "How much longer are you gonna keep me in here?" I asked the two men guarding the door. They didn't answer me, so I called out to them more.

"Shut your mouth or we'll put a gag over your face hole"

"Woah okay chill" I rolled my eyes. "I'm bored. Let's play 'name five things you see in this room'. I'll go first"

"uhm...A door, two muscular dudes, a wooden door, a white wall, anddddd a window" I said "Your turns!"

They still didn't respond.

"Okay then it's my turn again" I said "I see a table, two chairs, guns...Red and blue lights...and...Policemen coming in" 

They looked at me in confusion before an obvious panic showed on their faces. "Nah I'm just kidding" I laughed "You should've seen your faces. You guys really aren't confident about this kidnapping thingy are ya?" 

"Should've chosen a better place to take me. You guys tryna get caught?" I said "Y'know, Olivia's such a dumb bitch. This place is easy to track...I can even hear sirens outside now"

They looked at each other and ran towards the window. 

"Told ya it's easy to track. Go on, get going" I chuckled before the door was knocked down by the police. "Ah, just in time" I said as my vision got blurry. The last thing I heard was the police shouting and barging in the room before I completely blacked out. 

The next thing I knew I was laying on the hospital bed, with Jin sleeping beside me. Oh yeah...right...Olivia shot my leg. She really shot my leg huh? 

8:30 AM, in just a few hours I'd be going to class but since my leg is fucked up...I think I'll have to stay here for a while. Jeez...

"Junghee..." I shifted my gaze towards Jin and gave him a soft smile. "Hi"

"How are you? How's your leg?" He asked 

" leg isn't okay. She really effed it up, I can't even attend my classes because of this. It sucks, I can't even work" 

He sighed "I'm sorry it took a while to get there. But the important thing right now is you're safe. they were brought to the police station and are in jail right now"

"That's a relief. I knew she was a dumb bitch" I chuckled "anyways, thank you for the watch...It really helped. She's so dumb she didn't even check my pockets and good thing my phone's with me the whole time"

"The watch did come in handy" I laughed "where'd you get that?"

"From a friend. He made it for me...Genius isn't it? Just like from the spy movies. A watch with an alert system"

The watch was given to me by Jin just incase something happens. It has a tracker, a microphone and an alert system that's connected to Jin's smart watch, I pressed it when I let Kirby down, letting her fur cover my movement. That's why I kept talking while I was kept inside that room. It was to inform Jin and the police on my location and what's happening. 

"So I'll be staying here for a while huh?" I asked "I hate hospitals"

"The doctor said that the wound isn't that worse and you'll be able to walk in no time" He replied and rubbed his index finger against the top of my hand. "and your friends agreed to sending you notes. Your professors are going to give you online quizzes so you won't be missing it" 

My eyebrows raised. "How did you do that in such a short amount of time?" 

"Connections" He smiled. Oh right, Mr. Ahn...

I chuckled "Ofcourse...You're Dr. Kim Seokjin. Anyone would know you"

"Anyone except those who flirt with you and try to steal you away from me" 

"And...Who exactly are those?" I asked 

"Y'know...other people...Who flirt with..." He mumbled "my wife"

"What are you  saying?" I laughed "For real, I can't understand what you're trying to say"

"You want apples?" He asked as he grabbed an apple from the table but suddenly dropped it, making it roll on the ground. He went after it...(Which was not a good idea by the way) and bumped his head on the bed frame. 

I scrunched my nose as he held his forehead, muttering a small "owie"

"Are you okay?" I asked trying not to laugh at him. "ohmygod..."

"It's true that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. I guess apples hate doctors, look what happened to me" He said as he sat on the ground.

"Jin...Don't blame apples for your own stupidity" I laughed.

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