Chapter 21

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As I went back into the hall, I saw Jin's back but noticed a couple of girls infront of him.

"Hey" I smiled as I intertwined my hand on Jin's forearm.

"Hey you good?" Jin asked as he noticed me. "Oh and this is my wife, Junghee" He smiled as he introduced me to them.

"Hi" I smiled at them. It's hilarious seeing how their smiles faded when he introduced me as his wife.

"You look so young to be married. Are you a highschooler?" One of them asked in a sarcastic tone and chuckled. She's like another Olivia.

"Oh thank you, I'll take that as a compliment. But I'm in my first year of college..." I replied with a smile "I get that a lot"

"Uhm excuse us, our friends are waiting" Jin said before we walked away from them. "Good thing you came back in time, they were asking a bunch of questions and I just had to answer them nicely...I was tiring" he whispered as we were far enough from them.

"You're mean Jinnie" I laughed. lol they don't deserve Jin's attention.

"No I'm not, I just thought they were annoying. Imagine someone interrupting when you're in the middle of a conversation so the other had to leave..." He said

"No way, they did that???" I asked "Talk about manners..."

"Have you gone to the bathroom?" He asked.

"yup, it was pretty hard to pee with this dress on" I chuckled before he slid his hand on my waist to pull me a bit close and whispered in my ear.

"If that's the case...Should I take it off for you?" I hear him smirk after his sentence. It made my cheeks heat up.

I bit my lip and giggled "Jin, we're at a party"

"sorry, you're just so sexy in that dress" He giggled back before my eyes landed on some girls staring at us. I think they might be the girls from the bathroom. Mistress, huh? He wouldn't even lay an eye on you.

"hmm? who're you looking at?" He asked before he followed my gaze.

"It's nothing, I thought it's someone I know" I replied before we went back to our seats. The party was almost over too. We ate, drank glasses of wine, while the others really went for whiskey and other alcoholic beverages.

I wanted to try what Jin was drinking, so as he was talking to Namjoon, I carefully took his glass and had a little sip. The slightly burning sensation went through my throat and my chest as I realized it was something strong.

But it somehow tastes like bitter cola. For short, it tasted good. I blinked before I took another sip until there wasn't any left.

"I see you" Taehyung whispered

I chuckled as I brought my index finger on my lips. "Shhh" I hushed.

"Hey, isn't that Jiwon over there?"

"Huh? Where?" I asked as I turned to follow Taehyung's gaze. It is him...Wearing a red tuxedo.

"What's he doing here?" I asked

"I don't know. Beats me" he replied as he drank his remaining drink.

"Eh? Where'd all my drink go?" I heard Jin say. "Yah Junghee, did you drink it all?"

"Maybe...?" I replied as he looked at me straight in the eye. "Okay...It tasted good"

"You want Whiskey cola? You should've said so. Let's get you a glass"

I smiled as Jin called for the waiter.

"Oh right, I was thinking we should spend a night or two at the resort" Namjoon said

"How about three nights?" Jimin asked

"How about four?" Hoseok added

"Or a week" Jungkook said "we could stay there for a week"

"A week? You guys have jobs and these three here have classes" Namjoon replied "Maybe just for the weekend"

"That's fine with me" Yoongi said "as long as you got drinks, I'm down"

"Alright it's settled then. This weekend at the resort" Namjoon said.

"That's Jiwon isn't it?" Jin asked

"Uhuh..." I replied

"He seems pretty decent...Except for the fact that he kissed you. That asshole...I'll shred him into pieces-"

"Jinnie calm down" I chuckled "and he apologized for it already. Remember when you came to pick me up from school? He apologized"

"Oh, why didn't you say so?" 

We paused and looked at each other. "I didn't?"

"I don't know...Did you?" he asked 

"I don't know..." I replied "Did I?"

"I don't know" He added

I giggled as I covered my mouth. "We look dumb"

Somehow, as I was laughing, my eyes met Jiwon's. He smiled and did a little wave, so I did the same. I don't think Jiwon's a bad guy, as Jin said he seems pretty decent.

 I wonder how's it going between Joowon and him? 

"Oh, everyone's dancing..." Jin said "should we join them too?"

"Ah...I..." I paused as I remembered I don't know how to dance with a partner

"C'mon, it's just like our first dance during our wedding" Jin grinned as he took my hand and dragged me towards the center. 

He placed my hand on his shoulder while the other one was intertwined with his as his left hand was rested on my waist. As we started slow dancing through the slow jazz music, he spoke.

"Do you have any idea how may people turned their heads to look at you?" 

"They were looking at me?" I chuckled "no way"

"Yes way" He replied "as their gazes were focused on you, I can't help but think 'yeah, that's my wife. Stare at her but you can't have her'"

"You're making me shy" I laughed as I looked into his eyes.

"Is that so?" he chuckled "You're just so beautiful" He said before he leaned in to kiss my cheek. 


After the party, it was already time to leave and the boys were drunk so Namjoon has to drive them home. 

"I told you to pick up that fucking rock so I can throw it in your face"Jungkook said, slightly shouting at Taehyung.

"but what did I do?" Taehyung asked as he went behind Namjoon.

"I told you to call me Justin Seagull, why can't you understand?" 

"Justin what?" Taehyung asked/exclaimed 


"Shut the fuck up, you're being too loud!" Yoongi said as they went inside Namjoon's car. 

"Yah you there, hyung!" Jungkook called out to Jin. "You should tell these guys to address me as Just-"

"Yeah okay that's enough" Joon cut him off mid sentence by closing the car door.

"Yeah...Namjoon...Just take them home" Jin chuckled "What a mess"

I bid goodbye to Amy and Joon before they went off. As for us, we went home after a few conversations with family and their friends. 

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