Chapter 27

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"How'd it go?" Amy asked as I went to our next class. "What did they say?"

"Apparently, a guy from the student council named Dowon tracked down the user. They even took the post down" I replied "Glad it's over now. The dean said it happens all the time so it's not surprising anymore" 

"Mr. Yoon's really popular so It's not something that happens rarely" I jumped as Jiwon suddenly came out of nowhere. 

"Yah atleast make your presence known, it's kinda scary" Amy sighed 

"I did make my presence  known, I spoke" Jiwon chuckled "Anyways, the issue's solved right? I saw the girl's tweet apologizing about it"

"She did?" Taehyung asked "That's great if she did. People like her should have bigger consequences" 

"I'm sure she learned her lesson" I said as I sat down. "Hey...Where's Joowon? Aren't we supposed to be in the same class today?"

"Yeah, where is he?" Amy asked "Now that I thought of it, he wasn't in yesterday's classes either"

"Didn't he message you guys?" Taehyung said "He said he'll be out for a week, personal reasons" 

What could those personal reasons be? I know I've said this a couple of times now. But I'm concerned about him...Really really concerned. 

"Do you think we should visit him?" I asked 

"Yeah...But we have no idea where he lives" Amy replied. As I was about to talk to Jiwon, our next professor came in. 

I think Jiwon might know where he lives, idk. Just maybe. 


I waved goodbye to my friends, including Chuanli and Jade. Jiwon had to attend the student council's meeting so he couldn't come with them. 

I walked over to Jin's car and went in the passenger seat before I gave him a peck on his lips. "How's classes today?" he asked as he stepped on the gas. "you look kinda tired" 

"Yeah a lot happened today" I chuckled "By a lot, I mean just one big problem but good thing the council and the dean took action right away"

His eyebrows met a little, it's like he's asking what I'm talking about.

"So you know Mr. Yoon right? My professor who I work for" I said "so we had a lot of interactions ever since we had that club activity. Apparently, Mr. Yoon's really popular in the university so a lot of people like him and there was this girl who took candid pictures of us together, tweeted it and thought we were dating or something" 

"Wait...What?!" Jin asked "That's-"

"I know, it's stupid. Lemme finish" I chuckled "so yeah, the student council, found who the user was and immediately reported it to the Dean. Mr. Yoon and I got called and then the girl apologized" I said "oh...and our dean, Mr. Ahn Hyunsik said you should call him every once in a while and to hang out sometimes" 

"Wait Ahn Hyunsik?" He chuckled "He's your dean?? Damn that bastard. His parents own the university but I never thought he'd be working there too. One thing I haven't told you is that I used to attend the university you're in" 

"Eh? No way" I laughed "Why are you telling me just now?" 

"I forgot, I'm sorry" He grinned "Anyways, how was he?"

"He was pretty cool...And Mr. Yoon too. They act like total bestfriends but immediately acts professional infront of other students" I said "He even knew about our marriage"

"Yeah, he was invited to our wedding" He laughed "But he had to leave early since he's a really busy man. He works as a dean while taking care of his other businesses"

"oh, he's hella rich" I said "Your group of friends are all successful. I hope my bestfriends and I will be successful as you guys too"

"Ofcourse you will, maybe one day you'll surpass us. I'd like to see you achieve your dreams and support you whatever path you'll take. I'll always be here" He said 

"That's so sweet..." I chuckled "But a bit...Cheezy" 

"Yah" He giggled "But I really mean it!"

"I know, I'm sorry...I'm just flustered. That's all" I grinned "How's work today, Jinnie?" 

"The usual, it's tiring but I like what I do so it's all worth it" He replied, giving me a soft smile. 

"You look tired too" I replied "Do you want me to give you a massage later? Our professors didn't leave any assignments today, so...If you'll let me..."

He looked at me as the street light turned red and kissed my lips. "I'd love that Jagi".  I don't know why, but I blushed, I might be redder than the stop light. 

"No way, you're still blushing even after doing this so many times" He chuckled "My wife's so cute, I might  just squish you up"

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