Chapter 18

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"it's negative!" I said 

"Sorry, I got nervous for a bit" He chuckled "well...That's kind of a relief since you're still attending university. I don't want you to be so tired" 

"I know" I sighed as I sat on the counter. "We gotta be careful for now" 

I was relieved too but there was a part of me that felt a bit disappointed by the results. But the good thing is we can still prepare for when we decide to have a baby. I know for a fact that I wanna be a mom but I don't think I'm ready yet...Both physically and mentally. 

After a few minutes, Jin and I ate. 

We talked about a lot of things and laughed as he told me stories about his childhood. It's like 1 AM right now and we're here, eating fried chicken. I looked at him with his messy hair, his loose shirt showing a bit of his collarbone and how his jaw clenched while he takes a bite of his food. 

He's unquestionably handsome. How'd I get to meet such a lovely being? 

"if you think I'm handsome just say it. You don't have to stare like that" he said as he munched on his chicken "you're gonna burn a hole through my face if you keep staring" he added before he leaned in, placing a kiss on my lips. 

"oh the confidence~" I giggled "you have crumbs on your hair Mr. Confident" 

He raised his brows and ruffled his hair. "how'd they get there?" 

"oh right, Junghee" he called as I grabbed the last piece of chicken "There'll be a party this weekend...And we're invited" 

"what type of party is it?" I asked "A house party? Pool party?" 

"A ball" 

I coughed as I choked on my food. I immediately grabbed my glass and took a sip from my water. "Ball???" 

"uhuh" he replied "you see, Namjoon's birthday was last week. September 12" 

"really??? I didn't know...I could've greeted him. Amy didn't tell me anything too!"

"He went abroad for a while to take care of some things about his dad's company so he wasn't able to celebrate but this weekend, they planned a party for him" Jin said 

"w-wait so...Amy's gonna be there too right?" I asked 

"Your bestfriends are gonna be there for sure. They're definitely invited" Jin replied "our families are invited even the boys are gonna be there too" 

"but...I don't have anything to wear!"I said "Will there be time for me to-" 

"yeah about that, we'll go shopping tomorrow if you're not busy" He said "I already have something to wear, so let's go shopping for your dress tomorrow. That is if, you're not busy" 

"I don't think I have any tasks..." I replied "well then...I'll just call you when my classes are over" 

"oh and should I call a make up artist for you? To do your hair and makeup and stuff like that" 

"....I think I'll manage" I replied. "this is gonna be my first time attending a ball" 

"you haven't been to a ball before?" he asked 

"no" I chuckled "I couldn't handle crowds and will have a hard time breathing that's why mom and dad couldn't bring me along even if I wanted to. Sucks doesn't it?"

"it does" Jin chuckled "Well atleast I can be with you in this party though. It'll be our first ball together. Isn't it cute?" 

I chuckled back and nodded "We should match our outfits Jinnie. What's your suit color?" 

"hmmmm" he squinted his eyes "I'll be wearing an all black attire for the party. So...."

"I should wear black too. I wonder what I look like with a black long dress...Can you imagine?" 

"ofcourse, you'd look stunning" he replied "you look stunning in everything" 

I felt heat rise up to my cheeks. "alright then...Black it is" 


"Yo Junghee!" I hear Amy from behind me. "are you feeling alright now?"

"yeah, my cold's fully gone. Thanks for bringing me to the clinic" I said as we both walked in our classroom. 

"errr...We shouldn't have brought you there" She murmured "the nurse was looking at you silly. It grossed me out. Makes me think that he just applied here to gawk at girls" 

"sure he's a licensed nurse but that doesn't mean he has the right to be a perverted bastard what the actual freak is he thinking" Amy said. "anyways, let's go grab lunch together and hangout with Joowon and Taehyung before classes start" 

As the door opened, I saw Jiwon quietly go in. He greeted me with a smile before he grabbed a seat a meter ahead from me. 

Jiwon's kinda different today...His aura is different than usual. Did something happen? I noticed the dark circles under his eyes and how tired his eyes look. Maybe he's stressed about projects and the student council. 

As our lecture began, I noticed him resting his forehead on his palm while he sighs every once in a while. Maybe he's sick? 

When the lecture ended, he just quietly went out. Something's really off. I get concerned whenever someone I know is being different from their usual selves. Makes me think which one of their sides are the real them. 

"time to meet our handsome besties" Amy chuckled as we went inside café Jeon. We immediately saw Joowon and Taehyung and went over to them. 

"I'm craving for a plate of shrimp alfredo right now" Taehyung said "hurry up and order. I have to tell you guys something"

After we ordered our food and drinks, we went back to our seats to listen to our Taehyung. 

"Alright, so what's the gossip all about??? Tell us quick!"Amy giggled "did Taehyungie get a girlfriend???" 

"that's not it Amy. But I wish though" Tae replied "Anyways. remember that job I applied to yesterday?" 

"uhuh~ uhuh~" Amy hummed 

"well I got accepted! The owner was actually my mom's friend!" 

As Taehyung was telling his story, I noticed Joowon who was staring at his phone. His aura is different too...

could it be..???

Jiwon and Joowon fought over something? Did they break up? 

wait...I didn't even confirm if they're dating. But just by the looks on their faces...Their auras are similar. 

"yah Junghee are you even listening to my story?" Tae asked but I looked at them then looked back at Joowon. 

"hey man..." Taehyung nudged Joowon's shoulder. "you good bro? You look down the dumps" 

"huh? what???" he got surprised and looked up at us. "What are you talking about? I'm fine. You guys are over thinking" 

Over thinking...? 

"oh..The food's here already" he said just before the waiter placed the food on our table. 

I wonder what happened between them 

or maybe they have different problems...? 

I don't know.But I kinda feel worried about them.

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