Chapter 35

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"We have two appointments today but I think I won't be able to be with you guys" Mr. Yoon said as he was wiping his camera lenses. "instead, Chanwook will go with you"

"Why does it have to be him?" I asked as I was finishing my strawberry coated donut. "He has work at the cafe right?"

"Jungkook gave him a day off since he's gonna be at the cafe today" Mr. Yoon replied "This time it won't be here in the studio" 

"Eh? Then where are we going?" I asked "Is it somewhere far?"

"Chanwook will take you guys there, I have to go now. I'll be late for a meeting. Goodluck!" And with that, he waved and left the room. 

"we're going to the mountains" Aera replied "Isn't that exciting?"

"It's not my first time doing a shoot out of the studio but it still excites me" Minji said as she was packing up some things just before Chanwook arrived.

"Oh our ride's here" I said as I drank my remaining coffee. 

"Our..ride...?" Aera looked at me with widened eyes. "Chanwook...?"

choked on my coffee as I realized what I just said "O-oH NOT THAT KIND OF RIDE". I coughed and cleared my throat "christ, I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that" 

The others laughed and chuckled at the scene. Gosh, I just made things awkward. What the fuck Junghee? 

"Uh, let's go. We don't wanna be late" Chanwook said "The van's waiting outside"


"Woahhh" Seojun said as he took his phone out "It looks really pretty up here"

"Ah why does it look like this?" I said as I took a few sample shots as Chanwook, Seojun and Hyuntae were setting up the things we'll need. 

"Must be from the settings" Hyuntae said as he walked towards me and held the camera. After a few minutes he sighed and scratched his head. "I have no idea what I'm doing. Yah Chanwook, come over here and fix this before the model arrives"

Chanwook brushed his hair back "lemme see" he mumbled and held the camera. I looked away as I noticed how close his face was to mine. "This should be alright now" he said before lifting the camera up to take a sample shot. 

"Uh maybe you can remove the sling around my neck first, yeah?" I said as my neck was getting pulled by the camera sling. 

"Oh fuck, I'm sorry" He laughed as I removed the sling "Sorry, sorry. My bad. Anyways, it's back to normal now" 

"Thanks" I replied just before the model arrived. 

"Hello, looking forward on working with you today" He said as I shook his hand. "Jaesop Yang" 

"Junghee Kim, I'll be your photographer today" I gave him a smile "so, let's start? Go stand over there and pose freely. Uhm Chanwook, you can suggest some poses that would be nice" 

"Aight" Chanwook replied.

"Ready when you are" I said as Jaesop started to pose for the camera. I took a few shots as Chanwook was guiding him a bit with where he should put his hands, where he should look and all that stuff.

While the shoot was going on, we were laughing and chuckling too. He was a complete joker. About two hours passed before we finished the shoot and let Jaesop review his own pictures. Not gonna lie, his pictures looked good. I'll give myself a pat on the shoulder. 

"Can we uhm, take a picture? Both of us?" He smiled. I was confused for a bit but later realized that he wanted to take a picture with me. I looked at Chanwook and handed the camera to him.

"Alright, smile" He said. "Okay, another one"

I stuck my hand out into a peace sign and smiled before I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder. I felt a bit uncomfortable but I shook it off, maybe he just felt comfortable since I think we're the same age and have the same vibes.

As Chanwook handed the camera back to me, I reviewed the pictures before I felt an arm around my waist. 

This isn't right...

"Eh, I my cheeks look so fluffy here"Jaesop chuckled as he was uncomfortably close to me. I awkwardly chuckled and cleared my throat before I hear Chanwook calling me. 

"Nice work today guys" Chanwook walked towards us "You too Jaesop" 

I started to calm down as I no longer felt the arm on my waist. Thank you Chanwook. 

"I think your brother's calling for you" Chanwook told him before he thanked us. He shook my hand again before he walked away.

I sighed as soon as Jaesop was no longer in sight. "damn"

"You alright?" Chanwook asked "I knew he was up to something" 

"Yeah, thanks. That was too uncomfortable" I replied. 

Chanwook gave me a smile before he walked away "Let's eat out today! Hyung said he'll treat us, so let's find a nice restaurant"

"You going??" He looked back and asked me. 

"Yeah sure" I replied. Jin has to work a bit late today. So I told him I'm gonna have dinner with the crew. 


As I got home, I immediately washed up and got ready for bed. It was quite an exhausting day, and socializing for too long drained my energy. 

It's already 11 PM but Jin still isn't home. I hope he ate dinner already...

I plopped on to the bed and felt my body completely relax as the warm sheets wrapped my body. It felt so good.

I woke up after I don't know how long as I felt a pair of lips on my forehead. 

"Jin?" I called as I rubbed my eyes. 

"Yeah, I'm home Junghee..." He whispered "You can go back to sleep, I'll just shower first"

"Okay...." I replied "Be quick..." I said before closing my eyes again and felt another kiss on my cheek. 

Soon after, I felt a warm heavy arm on my waist, pulling me closer to his chest. 

"I love you, Junghee" Jin whispered before kissing my cheek again. "Sleep tight"

"I love you too" I mumbled as I instantly fell asleep at the sound of his steady breaths and warm body. 


A/N: Hey heyyy. Sorry for the short boring chapter. I've been really really busy lately huhuhu. 

I wanna interact with you guys on twitter and maybe create a group chat there where we can all talk about a lot of stuff hehe. My username is keigos_hoe on twitter. You can follow me and I'll follow you back. You can DM me saying you're from wattpad so I can immediately make a group chat for all of us! 

I hope to interact with you all hehe. Stay safe! ILY <3


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