chapter:02 YOU ARE ENOUGH

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Life is a bundle of problems and even though you are a pride that you've been fixing everything during this, you've making everyone stick together or may be sending love to anyone struggling with anxiety. Your struggles are valid.So proud of you trying your best to be okay.
You give love to everyone and you actually want to be loved the same way. YES! YOU DESERVE TO BE LOVED THE SAME WAY YOU GIVE. I know sometimes you need some break, you need rest but time is too short you can't have a break you need to work on more. Its okay if you need to work a little more but thats for you not for anyone else. Its okay if your being insulted by someone but that's good for you and that will make you even stronger. And maybe sometimes you can't handle anything. ITS OKAY; IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE EVERYTHING TODAY. Maybe you should do it other day. I think the struggles that you do every single day in making your future or helping someone relief from anxiety, thats morethan enough. You are doing great. PLEASE BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE THE REASON SOMEONE BELIEVES IN THE GOODNESS OF PEOPLE. Someone still had believe that good people do exist in the world and the best part is that your existence make them believe this. Your humbleness, your kindness, your love ,your affection' had actually made them believe this.
Thank you for being the person who makes people feel okay when they are not okay. The world truly is better because you are in it. You are completely enough. Your love is so appreciated and love is never wasted.
I know you don't believe that you are enough or maybe perfect but believe me no one is perfect but everyone is enough of what one is doing. You are doing great job. You don't need to explain this to people. You have don't have to give justifications, the only thing you have to do is to make you believe that you are doing great and you do great. You pass out through critical situations and you make people believe that they can also do that and you know what the best part is that you are the hope of those helpless people who need you. You are being loved by them. You are safe because their prayers are with you. They are with you and i think they are the best Support everyone needed for oneself. YOU'VE GOT WHAT IT TAKES. Even if you don't feel that you are loved i hope you are very loved by someone.
Maybe there are some critical situations in your life but you are so used to that this time YOU KNOW YOU ARE GOING TO GET THROUGH THIS. There are some moments when people make you feel embarrassed. They make you exhausted on what you are and what you do. They try to make you depressed and anxious. Believe me what they do is to make you remove from your purpose. They actually make you feel bad about you. You just don't need to be worried or anxious or depressed or feel guilty of what you do. You do best and you will be doing best, you don't have to focus on what they say.
Maybe you have observed some people quite or depressed and what made them depressed? Maybe you had made them do this and now see where they are. I had almost felt how every single day they feel. How they die every single day. They need you. Maybe their loved ones had left them. Everything that gets them there is our words which in the unknown we say and we don't had an idea how do they cope with all this?
We actually don't know of what they go through and what they are going through. They need you. All we had in our mind is that we can't fight. Is that what you think of you that you are hopeless? Does that makes you depressed that you are nothing? Then what I actually had to say is that you are not alone you have yourself, you have your God. The only thing you have to do is to believe in yourself.

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