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Park Jimin.

He hadn't lived the best life, practically living under the floorboards of his parents place and not being able to see the outside world in all 20 years of his life.

Then being thrown in jail by the time he had just turned 20.

They didn't know how the authorities had even found out but someone had tipped them off about it, they had known about the hidden basement room.

The palace guards that cared for him now all took pity on him, he knew they did, they were all so kind towards him.

Especially one guard that he had managed to get close with, he liked him the most, he often snuck his parents in to see him while he was on shift.

So that's what he had thought was happening when the guard had opened the door, but the omega had been surprised when the male had entered in puffing.

He got off the window ledge that he was perched up, previously watching the late night that was outside.

"Namjoon, whats going on?" He questioned first, the guard held up a finger to just ask for a second to catch his breath.

"Is everything alright? Are my parents okay?" He asks this time as he crouches down to be eye level with the beta, trying to show how concerned he had gotten at the situation.

Namjoon nods his head quickly before standing up straight again, able to actually breath somewhat decently after running all the way there.

"The prince" Namjoon starts off, Jimin frowns and tilts his head to the side, "he's gone into rut and isn't handling it well" the older male adds on quickly.

Jimin scrunches up his face as he moves back over to his window and begins climbing back up to it, no longer interested in the conversation.

"That's gross" he voices out and turns his eyes back out of the window.

"Jimin please, he's turned away everyone else that we've brought to him" Namjoon says this time and Jimin snaps his eyes back over to him.

"You want me to go to him?" Jimin questions, Namjoon nods his head. "It's up to you, but i really think he'll like you" the guard advised softly now.

Jimin thinks on it for a few seconds as he just stares over at Namjoon.

"What's in it for me?" The omega questions with a smirk, Namjoon rolled his eyes "the king usually grants something to the person who helps him" the guard explains quietly.

Jimin now raises his brows, "well, why didn't you start off with that" the omega jumps back down from the window and walks over to him to hold out his wrists.

"Jimin... I dont know if it'll apply this time" the beta says as he just carefully grabs a hold of the omega's wrists with his hands, giving him a worried look.

"It's worth a try though, right?" The omega smiles while reaching his hands up to cup the older males cheeks and lightly patted them, even with Namjoon's hands still wrapped around his wrists.

"I'll try anything if it means there is a chance i can help my parents" Jimin whispers softly, Namjoon closes his eyes and nods his head.

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