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Seokjin was up bright and early the next morning, he had made sure that he had looked extra good for when he would go collect the tower guard from his post. They hadn't interacted much before this but Seokjin has passed him a few times in the halls or when he had helped out with any castle preparations.

The other guards seemed to love him as well, although his post isn't quite as important as some of the higher ranking guards, he did seem well respected with everyone in the castle, working or living for that matter. It seemed the only person that he didn't interact with was the king, but that is common with everyone within the castle.

He had a skip in his step while heading up the steps to the main desk of the tower. Namjoon had just been leaving one of the cells, Seokjin's eyes quickly catching with the prisoner inside the cell. A pretty male but probably not the person that Jeongguk was searching for.

So his attention was quickly on Namjoon again as the wooden door had been closed and locked behind him, before he had turned towards the advisor and sighed.

"I've already told you, advisor. I have no intention of telling you anything about the omega your prince is searching for" Namjoon had said before his attention was turned to another guard that was working with him, gesturing to something with his eyes.

"I'm actually here to escort you to the prince. He has asked to have a chat with you" Seokjin said with the prettiest smile he could muster. Namjoon groaned before he handed the keys over to the other guard that was with him, leaning over to whisper something to the other, causing him to nod in return.

Namjoon turned back to Seokjin, walking over to him to be escorted to Jeongguk. Seokjin gestured for Namjoon to go first, like the true gentleman he is, however when Namjoon had his back to him he had sent a glare towards the other guard.

The poor guard had frowned in confusion as Seokjin had moved out of view, heading back down the tower stairs.

Seokjin had knocked on the office door before it had opened from the inside, once again Hoseok and Taehyung were in the room with the prince.

Jeongguk had gestured for the pair to come inside, then told the two guards to hop out for the meantime, so that the room didn't feel so crowded and that Namjoon would feel more comfortable.

"Prince, I know why you have called me here" Namjoon starts off as he stands in front of the desk, his hands behind him and chest puffed out slightly.

"Good, so let's get straight to the point then, I would like to know where you found that omega" Jeongguk says as he leans back in his chair. His voice and body calm while the wolf in his head was anything but.

"I'm sorry prince, but as i've already told your advisor, he wishes to be left alone now" Namjoon answers politely. "Him and his family are in a tough situation, so he doesn't want to add anything else into the equation" he riskily adds on, he's hoping he wont give it away but giving that extra bit of information.

"Well, I'm sure it could be something i could assist them in" Jeongguk chimes in, a smile starting to pull at his lips. "I hope I'm not stepping out of line, but if your people can't get the king to change, I don't think you will be much help" Namjoon's voice seems to become a bit more irritated at the mention of Jeongguk's father.

"Ahh" Jeongguk looks down at the pen that was on the desk in front of him. "He had mentioned something about my father during his visit" he adds on, thinking about what was said.

Although Namjoon still hasn't given away much information, it had still been something different at least.

"I'm sorry I can't be more help to you prince, but i do believe it would be best for you to move on from him, his situation is only going to turn for the worst" Namjoon sighs, relaxing his body a bit. "He will be unavailable for a long time" he adds on sadly now, hating to see something like this happen to a friend of his.

"You may go back to work then" Jeongguk says with a small sigh, a smile pulling at his lips afterwards, but Namjoon had known that the prince was not happy at coming up empty handed again.

Jeongguk had nodded his head towards the advisor, so Seokjin had gestured for Namjoon to follow him out of the room. "I'm sorry if the prince didn't like the outcome of our conversation, but he has asked me not to tell him" Namjoon says as he stops in front of Seokjin just in front of the office's closed doors.

"That's fine, we weren't expecting you to say much due to our previous conversation" the advisor smiles at the guard, now happy that he gets to spend the day with the guard until he eventually finds out something about this friend. "I'm grateful that the prince isn't as short tempered as his father, otherwise i would have been heading off to a cell right now" Namjoon comments nervously.

"I wouldn't have let that happen anyways" Seokjin pipes up, causing Namjoon to stare at him in shock. He quietly thanks him, before awkwardly stepping around him to go back to the tower, wanting to run off and tell Jimin all about it.

However, that thought is quickly pushed back as he notices that Seokjin had caught up to him again, stepping into rhythm with him down the hallway. "Oh, um, are you heading this way too?" Namjoon questions suspiciously, slowing down a little in confusion, but he did also notice Seokjin slowing down with him.

"Just wherever you're off to" the advisor answers with that same smile as before. Namjoon comes to a complete stop once again, turning towards the older male to give him a complete look of utter confusion.

"What?" Namjoon lets out, a frown drawing together on his brows. "I'm going with you for today" Seokjin says as if it was nothing, not a big deal at all, even though Namjoon is secretly losing his mind.

"Umm, no you can't! Don't you have to attend to the prince, why are you going with me?" The guard questions quickly, panic also starting to bubble up inside at the thought that he might accidentally give Jimin's location or information away because he is hanging around. "I am attending to the prince" is all Seokjin lets out this time.

They both stay quiet as they stare between each other, then Seokjin gestures for Namjoon to continue on.

Namjoon heads back in the direction of the tower, making sure he takes a couple of detours, just so that he can waste some time.

Once he didn't have any more excuses to stay away from the tower, he slowly went in that direction. Heading up the stairs, a few guards coming down greet Namjoon with big smiles, he greets them all back with the same attitude.

Seokjin quickly notices that they had passed the door to the floor that he had collected Namjoon from in the morning. "Where are we going now, Mr Kim?" the advisor questions curiously, looking around at the artwork that was on the walls of the tower stairway.

"I need to see some of the prisoners that are on my rotation on this floor" Namjoon answered truthfully. Usually guards are stationed on one floor with a rotation of prisoners that they care for, however, when Namjoon had met Jimin and became close, he had also taken on his parents.

Entering the floor above, he had gone straight over to the main desk, reaching behind to fish out two folders. "Have the Parks had their meals for today?" He questions the guard professionally now. The guard nods his head, "Since we were informed that you had a meeting, I had gone to get their meals" he answers, opening another folder to show him recorded meal times.

"Both breakfast and lunch" he taps his finger on two logs that had been freshly written into the folder. "Also, Mr Park, from the lower floor uhh, oh Jimin" The guard quickly goes searching for something, Seokjin watches as Namjoon's body slightly tensed at the name.

"Here it is! He wanted you to know that the new guard has been refusing to give him his supplements this morning with his breakfast" the guard reads off a sticky note before handing it over to Namjoon. Seokjin continues to observe Namjoon, a frown on his brows as he reads the note.

When he is done, he places the note down and starts to pull a set of keys out of his back pocket. "I'll be down there in a minute, I came to just check up on these two" Namjoon turns his back to the desk and Seokjin as he walks over to the door just in front of it.

Opening the door to the cell, Seokjin could see an older couple sitting inside together, both of them at a small table in the corner of the room, drinking a hot drink each. "Namjoon, my boy" the man greets happily as he stands up. Seokjin wasn't able to see any more of the interaction due to the guard closing the door shut completely behind himself.

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