🔵 Chapter 13 🔵

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Essays, one of the laziest school activity students would ever need to do. Some students were really up for it, while some only groaned about it. Fortunately, their English teacher tasked the students to do the essay by pair, and that they could work on it at their homes.

Of course, Taufan would automatically pick Halilintar to be his pair, while the latter had no choice but to become his pair as well. Afterall, he doesn't have anyone to ask, but him, and him only. The good thing about it is that, they'd already know where they live, and they will get to work the essay together.

The teacher instructed the students to write an essay about what they think about their other pair, what they wanted to say to or about them, and what they see in them. She gave them a deadline to pass their written essays before the day of their second term examinations. She thought the deadline was already enough for the students so they could also focus on their tests, and most of them actually agreed to the given deadline.

"Okay, I'm giving you the remaining time now. You may start writing your essays now with your partners or talk about it for a while with each other." Their English teacher stated, proceeding to the teacher's table and sat down to work on something else far more important.

"Hey, Hali! You know what to do, right?" Taufan asked, winking afterwards.

"Yeah, yeah. I'd already heard about the specified instructions once. I don't need you to repeat it twice." Halilintar responded, rolling his eyes off him.

"At my place, alright?"

"Where else, you airhead?"

"By the way, let's meet up at the rooftop later on after class! I just have something in mind that I wanted to show you!"

"Really? Out of all days, why now? You know I have two bags that I currently need to bring at your house later on!"

Suddenly, the school bell rang, signalling for the students to attend their next classes.

"Ah, you can do it! Just go up there, ya?" Taufan immediately said, getting up from his seat and grabbed his things with him. "See you there!" He added, before swiftly going to his next class.

"That motherfreaking airhead..."

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Few hours later, their final subject had finally ended, making Halilintar fixed his things immediately and proceeded to the rooftop while carrying both his heavy bags. Taufan told him that they should meet up at their usual spot because of some reason when it's time for their dismissal time. Halilintar was hesitant at first because it will be a burden for him to go up there again while carrying both his two bags, but he just agreed in the end.

'Why still meet up at the rooftop if we can just meet up on the exit of the school building?' The lightning elemental thought, his teeth gritted in annoyance. 'That airhead is freaking irritating...'

Halilintar was tired, panting as his feet touched every step on the staircase. It was indeed difficult for his side, but it's not like this is the first time he'd been carrying loads of things with him. Afterall, he's also curious as to why Taufan wanted to meet him at the rooftop instead on the actual exit door of the school.

'He's... really... going to... pay for... this...'

As soon as he reached the top level, he quickly set his things down, catching his breath afterwards. He surely is pissed with Taufan's plan of meeting up the rooftop out of all places. He wanted to get revenge after what he'd made him go through.

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