🔵 Chapter 15 🔵

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The night went by so quickly, it was already the start of their first day of semestral break. They have one week to relax and enjoy what they want to do, which includes if they choose to either bond with their friends and family, or spend most of their quality time alone. Afterall, everyone deserves a good break from doing countless activities from school, or at work.

Currently, the teenagers were dressed with comfortable and warm clothes since, it's winter season from their place. They had their delicious hot beverages, and it's perfect for drinking one of those during a chilly climate. After having their breakfast, they immediately changed their clothing just to go out for a peaceful walk on the streets.

"Hurry up, airhead!" Halilintar shouted, narrowing his eyes towards Taufan who's currently putting on his winter boots.

"Eh?~ Is Hali so eager to wander around today?~" Taufan teased, receiving a light smack on the head by his friend afterwards.

"Owie!" The blue masked teen whined, holding the top of his head.

Halilintar only rolled his eyes and groaned. "You're so annoying." He grumbled. "Plus, you're overacting."

"Says the grumpy boy who's also doing the same thing— Ow!"

"I'm not overacting, idiot! You're just too slow!"

"Why are you so cruel?" The blue masked teen let out a fake sob, making his friend to only roll his eyes for the second time.

Meanwhile, the twin's grandmother is washing up the dishes, while silently observing the teenagers from a distance. Her lips curved a small yet, warm smile, happy to see her grandchildren getting along with a friend. Not for long, her joyful expression was replaced with a worried one, as she remembered what Taufan had told her last night.

"OMG! Guys, look!" Duri exclaimed, as he pointed at the window. "It's snowing! Let's build a snowman!" He added.

Taufan lightly gasped, his wide eyes sparkling. "Something that's written in my list of activities I wanted to do!" He beamed, before facing Halilintar with excitement.

The latter only sighed, pursing his lips. "I know, I know." He spoke.

But before they could even go out, the twin's grandma called Halilintar, motioning him to come closer.

"Go ahead. I'll catch up." He said, receiving a nod from the twins and left the house.

As Halilintar got closer, his anxious, bloodshot eyes met calm, and brown ones. "I—Um... What is it...?" He softly asked, stammering his question.

"Halilintar, dear," The grandmother uttered, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "Take care of Fan-Fan, okay?" She warmly stated, giving him a genuine smile afterwards.

Halilintar paused for a few moments, before nodding obediently. He didn't say a word after, same goes to the elderly woman. The grandma then retrieved her hand, now gesturing to go and be with her grandchildren who were playing a snowball fight outside.

The lightning elemental obeyed, slightly bowing in a respectful manner before swiftly going towards the twins. The grandmother only waved her hand, her lips still formed a gentle smile. When he reached the bottom of the steps, his feet felt the foamy texture of the fluffy snow, making him a bit uncomfortable from walking at first, but got the hang of it after walking for a few steps.

"What took you so long, Hali?~" Taufan teased once again, receiving a glare from his friend.

"Shut up. It's none of your business." Halilintar spat, looking away grumpily.

Reason to Live Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora