🔵 Chapter 9 🔵

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[Halilintar's POV]

Two words to describe time: Unbelievably fast. You can't do anything about it. Unless time machines are real, but it's impossible to even believe that someone can actually build one of them and travel back in time.

It can't be stopped. It normally just goes by so quickly, and it's barely noticeable sometimes too. So we have a choice to either plan some things we haven't done in our life yet, or waste it with frivolous matters.

For me, I don't even know if I'm only wasting all my life, spending all my time staying on the rooftops than doing what an ordinary teenager like me can actually do to have fun in life. I mean, I'm ready, and I have a choice to end my life whenever. But, it's not because I'm hesitating to do so. Nobody's even stopping me from doing so, but there's this invisible force that's been refraining me from doing it, and that force, is coming from the airhead himself.

Though it actually does sound crazy, and it doesn't make any sense at all. However, the moment I met that airhead, the more I spend my time with him, that unseen knife that's pointed directly at my chest, I'm slowly loosing my grip from it. It's like, he's pulling that sharp object off my hands, not like in a Star Wars film where they say let the force be with you.

What I'm trying to say is, he's helping me escape from my breaking point. Although he doesn't know that I'm trying to kill myself, I have a feeling that he could somehow think that I'm going to be doing that soon. I knew from his perspective, that he doesn't like my idea, but lately... I knew... he's trying to make me... change my mind.

But, he's not doing it directly. With that, why? I'd already knew he sensed me that I'm trying to put an end to my life, but, why is he not saying anything about it?

Urgh... I hate overthinking these kinds of things, but I can't help it...

Shaking those thoughts off, I just turned my attention to the view infront of me, here from the rooftop of the school. Yes, my 'sleepover' days from that airhead's house are over, and I'm back to doing the usual things... again. Then, I'll be going home at my real home afterwards.


'And here comes the airhead, with his stupid nickname he's been calling me.' I thought, and grunted.

"You don't have to freaking scream, you know?!" I retorted, gritting my teeth indignantly. "And when will you ever stop calling me that?!"

"Then, do you want me to stick some posters on the walls of your cute nickname instead?" The blue-masked idiot replied, smirking.

I hate that smirk. I hate it when he smirks. I always hate it, and I always have.

I only gave him a threatening glare, but he wasn't even startled by it. Well, I was expecting that. But, among all the students here in school, only Duri and this airhead, are not afraid of me. I don't even know if I should be glad or get annoyed by it, since, these two importunate beings are getting into my nerves every time. I guess the two of them shares the same brain cell together.

"Teehee~ That look won't affect me at all, Hali~"

"Do you really want me to push you off this rooftop?!"

"But your conscience will save me from the other hand~"

You're freaking infuriating, you stubborn idiot.

"Hm. You're always petulant and snappy, Hali. Don't you know being angry all the time affects your health entirely?" The airhead stated, looking at me worriedly.

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