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Sorry for not updating! I've been having family issues and tons of school work and drama so anyway please enjoy this special two way special.


From: @ThatsYourFault

When: 1 week ago

To: all the characters

what do you think would happen if you all turned into animals, and which animal would you want to be?


Percy: ...

Annabeth: Well Percy....

Percy: If you bring that up...

Annabeth: Percy was just telling me how much he misses being a Guinea pig.

Percy: No I don't!

Jason: *waves lettuce in face* Do you still crave lettuce?

Percy: *kicks Jason in the face and lunges for lettuce*

Me: I'll take that as a yes. Annabeth?

Annabeth: I'd be an ant to find out the many wonders that the ants have in their architectural wonders of their well organized colony and ant hill. How they start from scratch and then multiplied to one of the most taken for granite creatures apart from the bee that shares many of those interesting fact toys and much more.






Leo: I want pie....*leaves*

Me: Uhhhh.... Jason?

Jason: Eagle.

Me: Why?

Jason: I dunno. It's just cool. Like me.

Percy: *eating lettuce* Sure about that?

Jason: At least I'm not easy prey.

Percy: Well, unlike the eagle, Guinea pigs attract girls because they think that I'm cute.




Leo: I like waffles.

Hazel: shut up, Sammy.

Leo: Uhhh...

Hazel: Oh yeah, Shut up Leo.

Leo: Better. -_-

Jason: Are you saying I repel girls?

Percy: Yup.

Jason: Piper can you come here?

Piper: *walking towards Jason*

Piper: *gets blown back*

Percy: *enjoying his victory*

Jason: *surprised*


Leo: *eating pie*

Me: Leo what would you be?

Leo: A phoenix. That way I would never die. I would just be born again.

(Leo died. Came back to life. Get it?)

Me: Cool. I thought you'd make some lame joke...

Leo: Oh like a Leo-pard

Hazel: It's Leopard not LEO-pard.

Leo: *grins* Sure about that?

Hazel: yes...

Hazel: No....

Me: Frank?

Frank: Well I can pretty much be anything..... So....yeah....

Me: Just give the fans what they want.

Annabeth: What fans?

Me: Shut it Chase.

Annabeth: Rude...

Frank: I'd be ADHD....Being lactose and tolerant sucks...

Leo: *gloating* I just Looooooooove Ice cream...

Frank: You are the detention of hate Leo.

Leo: Actually, if you rearrange the letter of Love, you get Leo V. Coincidence? I think not!

Frank: Well I think...



Frank: That's stupid.


From: Anonymous

To: The Seven +Nico

Play Mine craft.


Annabeth: SPIDERS! SPIDERS! SPIDERS! *smashes tablet*

Annabeth*burns tablet*

Annabeth: *stomps on tablet*

Annabeth: *throws tablet in to volcano*

Annabeth: *blows it up with a nuke*

Annabeth: *panting*

Annabeth: *does it over again*

Percy: Why can't I breath under water?

Hazel: What is a 'enderman'?

Frank: The weapons are a easy to use especially the bow

Leo: BURN JASON'S HOUSE BURN,!!!! Wait....I'm on fire. And I'm dying. I hate this game.

Jason: Suckers! *jumps off cliff*

Jason: *slow mode*

Jason: *spreads arms out*

Jason: *plummets to death*

Jason: Wait? What! I can't fly? Oh crude.

Piper: *to creeper* You do not want to blow up....







Creeper: *blows up*

Piper: Darn it!

Nico: *to skeletons* Why are you shooting me? I am your master!!!

Me: Well this was a terrible question. And I think an army of monsters just showed up...

Jason: Better be real ones cause we suck at killing virtual ones...

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