Lost my Percabeth

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Skylar: I lost my Percabeth...

Leo: What does that mean?

Nico: It means she lost her other half.

Leo: Oh...

Nico: Idiot...

Skylar: But were not here to talk about my love life. Not that I have one or ever will....*eyes glow blue*

Leo: Uh...

Nico: Purple means deep onto life thought. What is blue?

Skylar: *eyes still blue is crying* Why was I made like this? I know I'm ugly. I've already excepted it. But why am I like this? All I want is to be happy. Meet someone. Show a connection. I've only had a crush on like five guys in my twelve years of living! I literally just got over my old crush. Just moved on, and now a blonde had to show up in my life! Why? Do the Fates want me to suffer eternal pain? Was I reborn? Was my old self a terrible person? My ex-best friend put a dent in my life. That's why I'm always so depressed. She took away my best friend. Now she doesn't even bother to talk to him! She took him then threw him away. Who does that?! All I want for Christmas...is to stand under the mistletoe, close my eyes and have someone kiss me. Or at least whisper in my ear that they're out there, waiting for the right time to show themselves. At least then I'll have hope. I have no hope right now.

Skylar: *glowing stops and faints*

Leo: I got yeah...

Nico: Wow. She' seen through so much today.

Leo: *nods* I guess all that negativity over powered the fact that she got her first piece of work published.

Nico: She did? Wow. You'd think her friend would care.

Leo: *shrugs* Sometimes you believe they're your friend but there not. She asks why Sky doesn't talk to her anymore. Her actions that's why.

Nico: Yeah that girl, Leslie. True monster...


Sorry, needed to beat that off my chest. So I was dared to hug my crush (no one knew I liked him for real) and I blushed. Then stuff happened and they figured it out. They told him and

He- he didn't even know who I was. I'm not mad at my friends for telling him, I'm actually glad, I'm just mad at myself for falling in love so easily. Especially with people I know I have no chance with....

Anyway, here is the real update. Enjoy.


( Time: Right after Blood of Olympus)

Skylar: Just testing out the system for the competition!

Percy: Okay try singing.

Nico: Yeah sing that song about Leo.

Skylar: I-I can't.

Nico: I believe in you.

Reyna: So do I. *kisses Nico* Let's go hon...

Skylar: *brushes tear away* Okay.

*Music starts*

Skylar: Leo? Do you wanna rebuild Festus?

Come on let's go and build!

I never see you anymore,

Come out of the Sky,

It's like you left to die.

Do you wanna rebuild Festus?

Or start a new one?

Ask the Seven and friends (PJO/HoO)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang