Unicorn_Pusheen's Question for reals this time

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Dear Annabeth and Percy,

When do you guys think you guys will get married, have kids, etc.


Percy: .....

Annabeth: Once Percy starts acting like a man and not a wimp!

Percy: What?!? I litterally told you about the plans i had for you and me in New Rome! Where we could start a famliy, got to collage. All those things!

Annabeth: Oh yeah.

Percy: Seriously!!!! This is like the third time you have forgotten!

Annabeth: Second actually.

Percy: *eye twitches* AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: well then... while my brother clams down! 

Percy: NEVER!!!!!

ME: *smacks him*

Percy: okay i'm good. Actually my face hurts. I'm gonna go get some ice...

Me: Anyway I had a question. If you guys have kids, what are you going to name them?

Annabeth: Well if it's a boy then: Luke and if he gets Percy's smarts then his nick name will be be Barnacle Brain. Not really though.

Me: And if  it's a girl?

Annabeth: Then, Zoe, Bianca,... 

Percy: Calypso!

Annabeth: What?

Percy: nothing...


Hello quick question.

If Piper and Jason or Frank and Hazel had kids wha should they be named?

Comment for boys and girls.

the three top names,boys and girls seprate, will be in a future update. Then you will vote off of them and the winning names will be said to be named in this book! So just somethings to clarify.

~ Boys and Girl names will be speprate 

~ Frazel names and Jiper names will also be spreate

~ The person who wrote then winning name originaly will get the dedication so get to it!

thank you.

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