Nicoisawsome's Question

455 9 4

Dear Frank,

where you ever scared of accidently  setting your life line on fire? If not why didn't you just hide it somewhere it would never be found?


Frank: Well lets see...

~I am on a ship with a fire freak

Leo: Hey!!! At least i don't turn into a lizard when i'm stuck in chinese hand cuffs!!

Frank: Oh yeah I forgot. You jus burn them off!!!

Leo: Exactly. Wait. Did I just get Played?

Frank: Yup. Pretty much.

Leo: Dang it!

Me: Uh guys? Frank still needs to answer the question.

Frank: Ok fine. Yes I am scared of accidentally setting my stick on fire. But i gave it to Hazel so that is kinda like hiding it right? And Leo's fire proof pouch. I feel a lot  better about my life now.

Hazel: Awww. Frank that was beautiful.

Frank: Really? How's this for better...

Diamonds are small

Rubys are red

But neither shine as bright as you.

Hazel: Frank! That was the best thing I ever heard in all my years. And that's saying alot i was alive before the inertnet.

Frank: Hey! The inertnet is where i got that poem! What a coincidence! 

Hazel: WHAT!!!!

Frank: uhh...

Hazel: THAT'S IT WE ARE THROUGH!!!!!!!!!!




Hey guys that might have been thet worst chapter i have written in my life. I'm losing my creative ideas! Quick some one pinch me!


Leo: you said so...

Me: Do you take everything literaly?

Leo: No. What do I do now?

Me: I don't know! Go jump off a cliff or something

Leo: Okay.

Me: WAit. NOOO!!!

Random demigod: Hey look! it's a bird! It's a plane! No it's...

Me: Captain Underpants?

Jason: NO!! It's me!!!

Me: And you are?

Jason: I'm your cousin!! You know ... Jason?

Me: uh huh. So um could you just save Leo already?

Jason: UUUUGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Piper: See what i have to deal with?

Me: I hear ya, sister.

Jason: I'm right here!!

Me: Yeah. Aren't you supposed to be some where?


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